Nov 28, 2004 14:30
This turkey break has been really awesome, well up until now cause I have so much hw to do AHHHH. lol
Wednesday I went to see Finding Neverland with Elan and Navah. OMG the end was so sad it was like niagra falls all up on my face lol. Great movie, go see it.
Thursday- I lazed (is that a word lol) around the house with my family till we went to the Boca Beach club for dinner. It was so weird cause everyone was dressed nice and the food was all like pretentious as usual and then they have people dressed as indians( i mean native americans, this political corectness is killing me lol) making balloon animals. It so didnt mix lol. MMMM the food was good, except the stuffing what a disapointment lol.
Friday- I hung out with my oldest ( by that i mean person ive known the longest) friend edan or eddie whatever lol. It was a very homosexual night lol. U might be asking urself what does that mean. BE patient Im telling u lol. Anyway so we saw Aleaxander, 3+ hourse of long glances, lingering embraces and long hair lol. Between guys mind u. And there was this hesheit dude who had NO lines but just was always on the screen it was so fucking annoying lol. And u know what I am not homopobic or anything but it was just a lil surprising thats all. Then we saw some girl like holding hands with soem other girl that edan knows and now he thinks shes a lesbian. I dont really get that whole assumption but whatever. Oh and before that I went to the mall along with the rest of the world and bought eminems new cd. I hear those gasps of disbelief. Yes I like eminem lol. But have no fears my fellow republicans, i always skip song number 7. Freedom of speech is fine but i dont have to listen to it lol.
Saturday- I hung or is it hanged out neither really sounds correct so i will leave it up to u lol. Anyway so i was with jen and eric at jens house. Duncan was there also, see jens picture website thing for details lol. And we watched peter pan, man that dude is hot lol, in my favorite room, the sparkly room, we sporadically watched parts of harry potter also. We went out to eat with monica and some of her friends. I loved that whole choping person. I am so gonna have someone who only chops my salads when im older. It just tastes better lol. Monica was cool, nice to put a face to the name lol. Several akward silences when eric and i jsut kinda looked at each other. He kept saying how bout them cowboys which is funny cause i dont even know what sport they play lol. Then i stayed at jens and regina came and we all went out to eat at the place which is now infamous for making us sick. Hey guys we should stop eating there lol. Drove home, got lost in jens neighborhood, nearly killed myself from shock when one of those giant puddles spalshed all over me.
OOOOHHHH I almosgt forgot. We raced some weird kenicke wanaba and won i might addd. it was so fun i went like 80 miles and hour and we all flicked him offf, it was awesome. And of course regina was like oooh hes hot lol. I LOVE U REG!!!
Now i am doing hw, bored off my ass, while sitting on my asss
Hope my weekend commentary has brought u some entertanignment lol