Sep 27, 2012 05:06
so i met a guy, hes awesum. his name is doctor charlie. i ben seeing him fer about a year. i get inna box, get duhlevered to him and he checks me out and ses nice things about me. its reely cool, you guys. i tink i luv him and i now he luvs me.
now, muh sister gets "sick". i know it fake but mommy dont listen. so who does she go see? MUH MAN CHARLIE! i cant beleeve this, you guys.
muh sister is tryin to see muh guy and i cannt do nuthin but get sick two!
so i gots sick, and now i see muh doctor charlie every week it seem. all teh while muh sister is "getting better." you damn riught she is, because i will pee on her is she go see him again!
Raul Note: Goblin is getting really weak and sick. We love him like you can't believe, but he doesn't have long, now. He's 19 and we realize he can't live forever. Still does not decrease the amount of pain we feel thinking...nay actually planning for his demise. He's the most incredible cat I've ever known. I'm a better person for knowing him, and it'll kill me to no small degree when he passes.
dr. charlie