oh my god the funniest thing of my life just happened.
i'll get to that later.
Yesterday work was super ridiculous.
i got out at 8 then came here to my dad's and kristi and alexis were here.
we hung out for a while and i was up until 3 because i couldnt sleep.
i kept waking up because my cell phone was next to the laptop and it would make that stupid noise that computers and radios make when cell phones are around them.
woke up at 9 and played playstation for like 2 hours.
Today we picked up kristi and alexis and then shaun and we went to New Hampshire to look at a waterfall randomly.
It was pretty and everything and it was good to get out of the house,
but i got kind of bored and i felt bad because my dad just wanted to take us somewhere neat.
i suck :(
i started my essay and it took me a while to get going but now i am on a roll.
haha i love schoooooool.
alright, so.
my uncle had this fake head for some reason,
and he put in my dads apartment while he was gone so that it would freak him out when he got home.
and it says his name is Samuel on the bottom lmao.
we all just spent like half an hour taking pictures of it.
omg it was so hilarious lololol.
this is Samuel.
when good samuels go bad.
after a long hard day, Samuel goes to bed.
Samuel plays the bass.
Samuel goes to work.
midnight snack.
Samuel as a candle.
Samuel goes in time out.
Samuel goes black and never goes back.
someone walks on on Samuel's shower.
he's pissed.
samuel takes a call.
samuel does his homework.
samuel grows a body.
samuel gets in touch with his feminine side.
Samuel goes for a bikeride.
oh my god.
that was the most entertaining thing of my life.
also i bought the 30 Seconds To Mars cd,
and Thrice - The Artist In The Ambulance.
and on thursday i'm buying Finch's new one.
so yeah.
boys = cute but confusing.
i eat because im sad, im sad because i eat.