Not working on essays.

Mar 31, 2009 23:24
well, thanks yo Neil Gaiman's twitter i just read all the posts on that blog. Some of them almost made my eyes leak. How odd.
The site made me realize just how many of the tattoos i plan on getting relate to books etc. I already have my crow, I plan on getting "Have been unavoidably detained by world" as part of my compass rose, my Dante tattoos, "tattoos are no more permanent than i am" or "put me down punk" by Ani Difranco...

So, here's the list of planned tattoos:

- Compass rose on my hip with the above quote from Gaiman's stardust
- wolf a la Ardoss stone carving (in memory of Shamus) on my right forearm
- “E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.” ("Thence we emerged to rebehold the stars." canto 34 of Dante's inferno) going up my left forearm
- Lock, Shock and Barrel (nightmare before christmas) tattoos with my brothers (no idea where i'm going to put it)
- woody nightshade flower behind my ear
- "puro e disposto a salire alle stelle." ("pure and prepared to climb unto the stars." canto 33 of Purgatorio) maybe on my right shoulder?
- Tree back piece (i plan on doing this when i turn 30)
- Lotus/"victoria" water-lily on my chest (either while in india or shortly thereafter)
- "l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle." ("The Love which moves the sun and the other stars." canto 33 of Paradiso) incorporated in with the lily chest-piece.
- "put me down punk" on the instep of my left foot
- i still rather want the shooting stars chick... right side of the small of my back? back of my left thigh? no idea. I just think the photo is rad. (Jeph Jaques of Questionable Content did it)

This summer i am going to get one of the first three depending on where i end up going and under what circumstances.


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