Typing with fewer fingers and Making Money Off Chumps

Jun 03, 2011 12:56

First off, I have been saving this link forever: http://bz9.com/Busk?=mjq1 some random person on twitter sent the link to me, I guess trying to be helpful? It should be titled "Making Money Off Chumps", because, really? Everything in this book is easily gleaned from a week on the street. And a list of hot busking spots? Hot busking spots are the places you want to avoid- there is more competition and people are less appreciative. I say it over and over again, but smaller cities are the best for busking. They are so excited to see something new, they are not jaded, usually have no laws or rules and you usually don't have much (if any) competition. Not only is this poor information and information best learnt by experience, why would you pay that kind of money for something you can get for free by talking to people! Find a busker and leave a polite note (and some coins) in their hat asking to meet up to chat. Or hey! The internet! I started this blog because there wasn't much info on the nitty gritty of being a living statue. Not much doesn't mean none, it just means not as much as there is for other performers. And I am doing my half-assed best at filling that void. (I should tag these entries better...I'll add it to the to do list).
So- don't buy that book. Unless you really want to. In that case go ahead, but I think you're silly.

On a completely unrelated note- I sliced my finger open while trying to pry coconut from it's shell with a sharp knife (alcohol may have been involved with this poor choice). It bled through three bandages and some tape, so Ted came to my rescue with superglue. Rock on superglue. I need to always have some in my tool box. And duct tape. Why don't I have duct tape?

There may have been another point I wanted to ramble about... but I have forgotten. Terribly sorry, please forgive me.

poor choice thursdays, busking, ridiculous injuries, coconut

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