(no subject)

Dec 11, 2004 02:24

I gotta steal this from Teresa cause I've never seen a survey like it

TEN random things about me:
10. I'm a really light sleeper
09. I love to cook but rarely get the opportunity
08. I can only sleep on my right side
07. I wish I was able to spend money and not feel bad about it
06. I like ninjas
05. I'm not as open as I would like to be
04. I usually get at least one headache every day
03. I don't like to stop something once I start
02. I love CNN headline news
01. I don't like depending on others

NINE ways to win my heart:
09. Have a sense of humor
08. Have direction
07. Know what you want
06. Show me you care
05. Being able to be around me with neither of us saying anything and it not be awkward
04. Be confident
03. Listen to me
02. Appreciate me
01. Respect me

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
08. Sleep on a Tempur-pedic mattress
07. Own a 911 GT2
06. Become more open
05. Fing a job I love
04. Go to Germany with my Dad
03. Make lots of money
02. Find someone who loves me
01. Have a family

SEVEN ways to annoy me (or seven things that annoy me)
07. Selfishness
06. Being used
05. Not being appreciated
04. People who lack common sense
03. Not treating someone how you want to be treated
02. Disrespect
01. Lies

SIX things I believe in:
06. Nice guys finish last
05. Bush is not the right person to be leading our nation
04. C.R.E.A.M.
03. Love
02. Some people shouldn't be allowed to own computers/have children
01. My friends will always be there for me

FIVE things I'm afraid of:
05. Dying alone
04. Disappointing my parents
03. Never being happy with my life
02. Not being able to support myself
01. Failure

FOUR of my favorite items in my room
04. My K-Swiss
03. My TV
02. My bed
01. My computer

THREE things I do everyday
03. Sleep
02. Shower
01. Eat

TWO things I want to do right now:
02. Sleep
01. Talk to someone

ONE person I want to see right now:
01. ...Ev
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