the office friending meme! I know I said I'd try to ex-nay on the am-spay for the night, but this had to be pimped because I've wanted an Office specific friending meme since forever and Shalu is all that for making one.
Also... Mayette and I may have bought everything from the Target 1 spot for The Office. My justification is that I FNW can just like, give them away as prizes or something. We got a lot of funny looks when they rung all out stuff up (also, when we counted it all out in the middle of an isle...), though, 'cause it filled like... 5 bags? SHADDUP EVERYTHING WAS $1 IT WAS WORTH IT!!!
Oh, and:
Mayette/Sprinkles, Me/Garbage
ETA: Yeah, when I say Mayette and I cleaned house in Target?