Oct 04, 2005 18:37
i did not delete any comments because i am not a pussy.
you get what you put in...karma bitches.
i will be giving no special treatment to anyone...that's bullshit...
if you think you are "badass" enough to run your goddamn mouth, then you can take your own fucking medicine...
okay this question is for all the ladies: would you leave the girl who is trying to steal your boyfriend/love interest alone because he told you to?
my answer is no
why the fuck would i NOT try to destroy her because he told me not to...i'd kill them both...but i only chose to make them hurt because we weren't really dating at the time.
but now we are and i have given her fair warning and she INSISTS on leaving more comments, then she blocks me from posting them on hers...HA!
i thought about an abundant number of ways to anialate her. but then i . stop. and i think, keil flirted with her first. he found and searched for her. its his motherfucking fault we got into this mess. he wanted even more goddamn female companionship, becasue i'm just not enough. he's always telling me how he needs this and that. he needs attention form things with vagina's. keil is a natural born nymphomaniac. we used to always joke around about sex and how we'd do it and such. i was never oncer really serious, but the more we talked about it the more i noticed he was. he talked about how much he liked sex and needed it. so here's the big truth kiddos! we tried it! i wanted to be enough for him. i wanted him to need so much that i was going to do the nasty with him before i was ready to...well it failed...i got scared and couldn't go through with it...i'm too tiny down there anyhow...so i saved my virginity but our relationship seemed to pretty much diassemble from that point on...i will never be enough for keil. i can never be good enough...so maybe i'm the reason he has to be "freinds" with all these girls.
and keil such a liar. he is constantly lieing to his parents and other people. he swaers he doesnt lie to me but i know better. im an expert liar. you lie to one person you lie to them all...i lie to everyone. i garuntee not a single fucking one of you knows the real me. not a single one. you'd be surprised about some of the stuff i have said just so you people would accept me...fuck that. im through with this whole deal.
i know this entry is kind of scattered about but i dont give a damn becasue its my lij and i can write whatever i want. it's not liek any of you are reading it all word for word anyways...
i love keil
i really honestly truly do. but goddamn it if he doesnt make me wanna kill myself. it was so fantastic when we first...very first. started out. he was obsessed with me and i with him. we could not get enough each other. we spent almost everyday together and loved every second we got to see each other. our days were filled wiht romantic and hilarious adventures and our nights with cuddles and late night phone calls about everything we could think of before we literally had to get off the phone becasue we were falling asleep on each other.
now, our talks turn into arguments, my attention i used to get from him is rapidly dwindling down and he only likes me when im there for him to touch. like im not real unless im right there next to him. i can't give him what he needs. all the little whores he's been interested in the past would have put out by now but i cant do that to myself. i felt absolutely disgusted with myself when we attempted.
i never want to attempt to have sex again.i dot think i ever want to do it EVER!? for that matter. i need ALL of his attention. i want him to need me.
he needs an intimate realationship(sex). he has more important things to pay attention to. he doesn't need me, hell he doesnt want me half the time either...
im all out of motivation to make this work. i dont wanna give i just want to take and that's not fair to either of us. we'll never get back to the way we were. never. he's forgotten how to make me happy and his eyes are open to more than me for once...this sucks balls
i want to blame this on that little ignorant whore KC but i can't. its not really all that much of her fault...so i guess i'll blame on this bitch named breanna. thats me if you guys werent following along.blah blah blah <--thats just to see if you are paying attention...or even reading this gob of emotional blather...
keil is basically my everything. he is the only reason my heart beats as little as it does...thats why i go psycho over him...i love him and i need him around. i dont know what to do when i see him giving attention to girls other than me so my instincts tell me to eat her heart. eliminate teh threat...by whatever means neccessary....and i do...whether it's attacking them physically or emotionally or mentally...that bitch will be taken care of...i put way too fucking much into me and keil to let some fourteeen year old or twenty year old or whatever the fuck their age is take it away!
yet it is so hard just trudgin along through this mudhole of a realtionship. i am fighting he is playing. i am working he is disregaurding. bre gets no attention. girls give him attention. its fucked up. i cant fix this anymore, i have lost my touch. these wings are tired and i just can't carry us all by myself anymore...it hurts too bad.
but beacause i love him and i think he is that part of me that im missing i will bite my tongue grit my teeth and watch him walk over me and let him think he's better. becasue i have to stroke his goddamn ego-boner to just get along with him. maybe i should pretend im stupid or oone of those cute littel clueless blonde whores....i have to do something to keep us from fighting becasue god damn whoever says or proves keil wrong....
still though if any bitches try to get in the way i'll have to go strong mad on your ass!!!