Aug 27, 2004 12:02
I had to write an essay while i was still in school in English about the person who most inspires me in my life. . Before, getting to the essay I want to tell you that Tiffany is the bestest friend anyone could ever have! And im not just saying this just for the hell of it. She has been the one true friend that has stuck by me through everything in my life. So here's the essay and you have to promise not to laugh because i am not good with words at all!!!
Throughout the years, I have had many influential people in my life. Besides my parents, I have had one inparticular. Although, this person is my age, she has had a great impact on my life. Her name is Tiffany Nicole Gold.
I can still remember when she and I would fight over our Velcro Little Mermaid shoes, in the first grade!! We would fight over who would sit by who at lunch. And, I even remember the time we went on a field trip to the zoo, and a bird pooped right in the middle of her pig tails!! She was so upset, looking back on it now, we laugh about it!!
My mom has even agreed that she has adopted Tiffany, because we are inseparable. We don't do anything without one another. If we're not at eachother's houses, then we're out shopping, going to a movie, or actually mostly eating! Our parents both joke with us about being infants, because we have to eat every two hours. No matter what we're doing, Tiffany always finds a way to make it fun and entertaining.
Tiffany tries to make everybody happy all the time. She even puts her friends before herself. Just by looking at her you wouldn't realize how many obstacles she's had to overcome in her life. She is one of the most strong-willed people I have ever met. She is always right there if you need her for anything whatsoever. Like, sometimes if I just need to talk about something, she will sit patiently and just listen. She always does something to make things better.
After reading this I think you will realize why I chose Tiffany, as the person who most inspires me in my life. In a lot of ways I wish I was more like her. Tiffany is one friend who has always stuck by me through everything. I know that I can turn to her for anything. She's one of those friends you always dream of having. One that only walks beside you, not in front of or behind you.