Mar 23, 2006 10:37
Well today has been interesting. My boyfriend is sometimes an asshole but in all actuality I think he is really caring you just have to find it in him. For example he doesn't want me to come visit him during break today because his instructor is gone so its really cold over there. I know that most people think he is an asshole but I think he is awesome he really cares about his friends its just that he doesn't like to show it. Well Nothing really important is going on except that Qe has been playful lately I don't know why but I can't tweak about it cuz its no big deal. What else I am psched cuz my friend is coming to my home town and I am going to be able to see her and my cousin is coming to OR in a few weeks I hope she comes to see me but I'm not sure. Well I gotta go laterz I am almost done with Office assistent and I am going to be done today if all goes well.