If you too would like to be interviewed...
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
1.) What is your favorite animal? And if you and that animal could go alone on a trip, where would you take the animal and why would you pick that particular place?
~My favorite animal is a panda...I would take it to Jamaica...and there are several reasons...but mainly because it would make quite a specticle to bring a panda to the beaches of Jamaica...I can see it now...it would be great fun!
2.) Describe in detail the five most "spesthal" things in your life, and why they are "spesthal".
~1. Jesus (and his father and holy spirit!), he is my strength, my counselor, my tour guide through life, my teacher, my father, my lover, my friend, he listens, protects, loves, and believes in me!2. My family they love me they are proud of me and I love them. We all have our faults and they know what mine are and they love me inspite of that! It is great! My kitty is part of my family too and she is just soooo cute that I can't help but love her! 3. My friends whether it be the ones here at college or the ones at home or Melanie or Nick I know that they like me and some of um even love me and I certainly love all of them! They help me to grow as a human they are all unique and they are all beautiful people! 4. My education, I have always had a desire to learn and the fact that I get to be here in college learning and being prepared for a future carreer that I am passionate about is incredible to me! 5. I guess that leaves me with music...I love to sing, I love to listen to music and it makes me sooo happy to just experience the beautiful sounds that can be made in our world, whether it be with voice, instruments or just the music made by the natural world, I love it!
3.) If you could go anywhere in the world and take two people (not family) with you, where would you go, who would you bring and why?
~It is hard to choose 2 people...different people would make any particular trip unique and wonderful in its own way! But with my present thoughts and feelings on the surface I would take Melanie and Nick...haha that would be a fun combination! Melanie because well she is my bestest best friend and I am garaunteed to have a blast with her anywhere we go! She is soooo much fun that I would not hesitate to say that she is fun like a lion! Besides we are very spesthal! Nick because well...I love him! He can make me laugh like no ones business and if I was gonna go on a trip I would definatly want to have lots and lots of fun! And the three of us would make a trip completely unforgetable and I am certain that we would have so many great memories that we would be laughing about them well into our old ageness! Where would we go?...hmmm...maybe...Jamaica...I really wanna go there!
4.) What's the most memorable thing that's happened to you while you've been at college? (Details please ;)
~Um...not sure...lets see...hmmm...Olivia reminded me of the time she slipped and fell on me, I was just sitting there on the floor and Olivia was getting ready to leave and she just fell over haha right on top of me. She made a funny little sound that went something like "waah"! It was hilarious and random and great fun!
5.) And last, but not least, who is your bestest friend in the whole entire world, and say your favorite thing(about) her......or him. ;)
~Ha my best friend in the whole wide world (besides Jesus) is Melanie! So many great things about her but I think the best thing about her is that she is soooooo funny and smart and great great great! She knows how to be a best friend that is for sure!! I love you Melanie!