Maya's Application

Jul 03, 2005 15:27


name: Maya
age: 13.. 14 in two weeks.
location: Jersey <3
sexuality: Possibly bi.
relationship status: Single.
read the rules? love me for inner beauty
top 5 favorite bands/groups/singers:
01. The Postal Service
02. Jimmy Eat World
03. Three Days Grace
04. Enrique Iglesias
05. The All-American Rejects
top 5 favorite movies:
01. Bad Boys II
02. Beauty and the Beast
03. Napoleon Dynamite
04. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
05. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
top 3 favorite books:
Well I'm not much of a reader..
01. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
02. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (i read up to the 4th but this one's my fav.)
03. So B. It
favorite actor(s): Will Smith & Adam Brody... *sigh*
favorite actress(es): Drew Barrymore. She's sooo cool.
something about you that's rather interesting: When I look at a picture of someone, I study the people or things in the background first. Some people think it's weird.. but what can I say =)
tell us about your friends:
My friends are awesome. I don't have a best friend, but I have many close friends. Characteristics I look for in a friend include original, friendly, and somewhat like myself. Having a friend like myself helps me understand them more and it makes me feel more comfortable to be around them.
how do you feel about these topics... and why?
religion: Religion is a funny thing. If you think about it, we all came from the same place and in the same way. Some people take religion really seriously. Others not so much. I'm Jewish and I'm not incredibly religious, but sometimes I stress over the fact (in my head, not to others) just so I can feel different from most of the world.
teen pregnancy: Oh boy. I don't like the idea, but I'd never criticize a pregnant person young at age. However I will never put myself in that position because I'm saving my virginity for marriage. Also I would hate to watch somebody I know to be struggling as they go through that.
abortion: I feel that abortion should be legal, because people have been given the freedom of choice. I'd never want to have an abortion though, because once the teeny arms and legs grow in, I'd consider that my baby already. But for the others who disagree, I think those people should be able to do what they want. You never know when you might find yourself in a sticky situation like that..
drug use and abuse: I think tobacco should be illegal. I hate it. I have friends with parents who smoke.. and I don't want them to be unhealthy because of their parents' own problems and decisions. I know that the parents don't want that either. Yes, I also know I said earlier that people should be making their own choices but.. if multiple people can be affected by one smoker, then hell, that's a bad choice right there.
gay marriage: I don't understand how gay marriage has become an actual problem to people. WHO CARES?! In my social studies class, we were discussing it and nobody could agree with what marriage is really for. We all had our different little descriptions and ideas. Someone said "to make babies." Mmmkay that made the girls pretty mad as you may have guessed. well when people get married, does the priest or rabbi or whatever ever say "Do you promise to make children that you will love and care for and stay with for all eternity?" No. Well what I'm trying to say is marriage is about love, and not the people who share it. So get over it =)
suicide: I wish people didn't feel the need to do it. I would change every suicidal person's mind in an instant, if I could. But I can't. And I hate it. My friend used to be suicidal. One time she ODed on pain killers but survived. We're all really thankful and so is she because loook nooww, her life is going pretty swell. We all just need to hold on.. and remember, that once a door closes, another one opens.. or something like that. You know what I mean.
quitting school: I wouldn't do it. I guess it's not sooo bad if you're quitting to be on a sports team or something.. but otherwise, I don't like the idea. It usually makes life worse.
eating disorders: I feel bad for people who have such a thing. I think that music videos and magazine ads have something to do with people being obsessed with how they look. I know a couple people who had began developing an eating disorder, but then didn't in the end because they found better solutions. However, weight loss pills wouldn't be one of them. They are just as bad, but many people don't even realize it. Whether it's out the mouth or through the other end, it's still considered bulimia if it's intentional.
self-harm: I used to do it, but I got myself to quit within the same month. To anyone who's thinking about it, I say just quit before you start. You'll regret it immediately. Just use paper instead. Write it out, or even break your pencil or something.

have you ever
cheated on someone: No.
lied to someone you love: Probably a few little white lies in the past, but nothing terrible.
watched porn: No? 0=)
stolen something: Nope.
kissed someone of the same sex: On the cheek.
thought about suicide: Yes.

promote this community somewhere, and give us proof:
were you referred by someone? or found our community posted in another journal/community? if so, where?
I found it through my friend becca.
post one clear picture of you. (this is only to put a face to the application - no voting on this part permitted!!)

Let me know if that's not clear enough and i'll find something else for ya =)
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