(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 13:05


name: Jenny Allen aka Viv Scarlet
age: 15 in a week!!!
location: Redcar - England
sexuality: Bishexual
relationship status: Taken
read the rules? "love me for inner beauty"
top 5 favorite bands/groups/singers:
01. Nirvana
02. Jack Off Jill
03. My Chemical Romance
04. A.F.I
05. Kittie
top 5 favorite movies:
01. Queen Of The Damned
02. Constantine
03. Girl Interrupted
04. Monster
05. Wrong Turn
top 3 favorite books:
01. Kiss The Girls
02. Guitar Girl
03. Blue
favorite actor(s): Stuart Townsend and Rupert Grint
favorite actress(es): Kate Winslet and Drew Barrymore
something about you that's rather interesting: I'm drawing a giant picature of Keira Knightly with oil pastels in art
tell us about your friends: oohhh ... ermm ... well I only have a few friends but I think the world of them *.*

how do you feel about these topics... and why?
religion: I think you should have your own religeon - i was a mormon but then I opened my mind I think that there is a god but you should be able to worship and believe what you want
teen pregnancy: I think it's wrong but if you're older (18-19) and you have thought about it then yes - it's very dangerous and I wouldn't advise underage sex - the age limit is there for our safety
abortion: I'm in two minds - it depends on what your situation is
drug use and abuse: Again = it's your choice
gay marriage: IM ALL FOR IT - gay's should have the same rights as straights
suicide: Again own choice although I lost a good friend to suicide it was their choice and their life
quitting school: I think it's good that it's unadvised because you learn so much and make so many friends (and enemies)
eating disorders: It's sad because these people often think that they are ugly even though everyone is truely beautiful
self-harm: I self harm - I'm not proud and I need help - I think it's wrong but sometimes thing's can't be helped and if started sometimes can't be stopped

have you ever
cheated on someone: No
lied to someone you love: Yes
watched porn: Yuh huh (heh heh)
stolen something: No
kissed someone of the same sex: yuh huh was very nice
thought about suicide: Yeah :(

promote this community somewhere, and give us proof:

were you referred by someone? or found our community posted in another journal/community? if so, where?

post atleast two, no more than 4, pictures of you. clear pictures.

***sorry about the promo thing - I'm in school and haven't got that long but will when i get back home *.*
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