Times and change

Mar 09, 2005 23:22

Its been about 6 months I guess since I've updated here. I found a home on diaryland and I've been there for quite some time now. Almost a year I guess.

Time comes and things change, life changes, emotions change, people change. It is an everyday type of thing I guess. I would like to think I changed for the better side of me. Some may disagree, some may not.
It's not important as long as I am happy with myself. I am happy with myself in certain areas. And in the areas I'm not I'm still working on them. I'm a good person and a lot of people love me, for me. And that alone helps me a lot, especially in the low self-esteem areas. I don't think I'm ugly anymore. I don't call myself fat, or even over weight.

I've found out through time that I can learn how to love my body, and I do. There's a lot about my body that I do love. My eyes, my mouth, my nose, my high cheek bones, my thighs and legs, my hands and well I need not mention the breasts or the other. .. well, *ahem* anyway.
I've come a long way from where I used to be, when I hated my body and myself.
I also know for a fact that I love women more than men. I'm sure it has a lot to do with my childhood and what I suffered through at the evil hands of men, and I am not even remotely attracted to men anymore.
I don't even consider myself bisexual anymore. I am defintely lesbian. And I am proud of who and what I am. How long has that taken me to say? 20 years?

I will be much happier when I am out of this hell hole and back to where I want to be. Back to where time and change takes a better role in my life. I was happy there because of one person, and I'm going back as soon as she comes and gets me. No she isnt a lover, or even a possible lover. She's my friend and she's already taken; but I won't tell you she isn't attractive. She is very attractive, especially her ass (Sorry I had to say it) There's something about a woman having a great ass that you just can't resist grabbing.

Okay, okay, so I'm a pervert. Big deal. I like being a perv, or as my friend Rainna would say, a minx.
I'm a minx and she said she adores that side of me. That makes me giggle like a redundant teenage girl.

I love the way time is changing for a better positive, and I'm looking forward to what's coming next. And no I didn't mean that sexually (even if I wanted it to be) Not everything is about sex, but I agree in saying everything is about emotion and touch. As my darling MIA freind Letti would say, beauty is an emotion, and she was never more accurate. There's a lot of beauty in everything, if you stop and take the time to notice.
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