New to Live Journal

Jul 22, 2007 10:19

well I have finally joined the live journal community!  I think it was finally time since everywhere I go it seems everyone is using it.  It is like facebook only I think a bit bigger!

I just had Gallbaldder surgery on Monday this week has been very hard for me as I didnt expect for the pain and discomfort to be as intense as it was.  I dont think I ever want to be put under for anything the feelings you have after are not fun at all.  Plus the worst thing I found was I had to sleep on my back which of course did not sit well with me although I had no choice but it was hard since I am a stomache sleeper LOL!!

The good thing was I could watch alot of my DVD's I watched Supernatural alot since that show I find is fantastic and of course the eye candy of the two guys helps make the pain go away :)  I also watched Dane cook he has to be the funniest thing on the Planet!!!!  I love his humour although laughing after surgery on your abdomen is not the smartest thing LOL!!

Well soon it will be back to work I am excited though I have a trip Planed to Vancouver in September with a colleuge from work.  I am super excited since I have never been there!  So at least I have something to look forward to :)

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