Nothing really...

May 10, 2005 14:44

Well hey everyone what'z up? N2mh just sitting here writing in my live journal.. Today was ok besides we had to run the mile and me and dannyjo got 14 minutes and 3 seconds! oh well we ran when we could our stomachs felt like they were about to explode im serious it hurt soo bad. And then fricken Mrs.Horsley said that we had to re-take it or else were gonna get an double FF. Shoot nothing is worse then an regular F so whatever either way if we retook it we would still prolly get an F so yeah... Im looking at dannyjo's dad's m&m's and they look soo good i just want some candy soo bad but i would rather have some chocolate though. Tonite me, stacey, and dannyjo r going to the yearbook signing party yessss im soo happy that i get a yearbook cus i forgot to order one, But they just better not be as crappy as they were last year. What i forgot they spent like a penny each on one..jk you know im messing with ya but they were really crappy and ever1 knows it but i wonder why my babe was staying after school i honestly dont know but today at school i had fridgin lunch detention it went by pretty fast though. Uhh i got it from Mrs.Daughtery because i guess we were talking to loud whatever though cus the whole class was so yeah. And tony dre doesnt hate you for the last time. She just wants to be ur friend.Well everyone i have to let you all go so i will update prolly thursddat so....~Bye~
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