1. Age you will be on your next birthday:
2. Your favorite color:
3. Your middle name:
I have none.
4. The place you lost or would like to lose your virginity:
5. A bad habit of yours:
Yet 'tis no longer true, glory be to the gracious Venus! *beams*
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable:
7. Your favorite animal:
8. The town you live in:
*blinks* Never have I seen such a person in Illyria!
9. The name of a pet:
Thisbe was my dear brother's dog, not mine, and she hath been dead for many years, yet I know no worthier pet.
10. Best friend's nickname:
'Tis not a name I often use now, nor is my sweet Fool but a friend. *smiles*
11. Your first name:
12. Your last name:
If a title may be a name...
13. The one you love:
*can't help giggling a little*