Voting (Delay) + (Information:) Secret Santa & Fic Exchange.

Nov 13, 2007 15:48

Voting will be taking a while. There's a lot to code due to italics, and unless if anyone is willing to help me out by going to their comment and commenting to it using the textboxes, then you'll just have to be patient as I'll be doing this process slowly.

Round Six is also under some 'construction' as I'm trying to think of a new idea that people may find more inspiring than something simply rushed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Secret Santa and Fic Exchange information are below; this is a poll. If you find these interesting and would like to see it happen this late-November/early-December, then vote (say) yes. Below the cut is SOME INFORMATION about how these will operate! This is not permanent! The explanations probably don't make any sense; I'm trying to make the Santa more secretive and the exchange have a short suspenseful moment. Just try to bear with me during it all. Explaining isn't my forte.

Before you read: I went into small caps mode. So, I apologise for that. There's a lot to read; this is a really rough-ish outline (and I'm pretty sure I may follow it), and your input is REALLY needed. There needs to be A LOT of member support for this to happen.

Also: you must have participated in either a round or drabble and voted. If you have participated in drabbles but have not voted, then, well, you're in a bit of a pickle. It'd be great if you've been involved in two-plus rounds. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE A PART OF THIS WITHOUT HAVING CONTRIBUTED TO THIS COMMUNITY AND YOUR FELLOW MEMBERS. I want to make this fair. If you have any issues with this, feel free to bring it up.

They follow the basic exchange communities and secret santas - but sort of don't. Also, this took A LOT of thinking and work. So, kind of, do not steal. 'Cause if you do - well, Santa will not be happy, and I will find you ...

On with the show!

pretty stickers secret santa.

the whole idea to the secret santa is it's secret. so, if the person you are assigned is on your flist, maybe censor or lie or don't post at all about your fic - it'll just ruin the surprise. the secret santa will work around a timeline - sign ups and wishlists - and once that day comes (australian time, which may end up being 'american' time, as i'm kind of lazy or forgetful or 'i'll give 'em another day' a times) the wishing or signing up will be closed.

no excuses. (unless if you give me chocolate. white. then yeah, maybe i'll let you in. ;))

there will be one post. signing up and wishlists will be commented to there. the signing up will be screened - the wishlists will, first of all, appear screened until i skip along and unscreen them. if you'd like to edit your wishlist - it may be best if you delete your comment and re-do it. i do not care if you end up deleting it fourteen times (and i unscreen it fourteen tiems) - just as long as it is specific and isn't deleted after the deadline. (i will disable the post if i have to!). if you need a change, talk to me - seriously, comment and i won't bite.

the thing is, once the deadline has come, santa will send his merry little elf, taryn, to deliver the wishlists to authors. unlike the exchange, the wishlists will not say who they would like to write - nor do the authors get to choose. whichever wishlist you get is the one you're stuck with. this will be in the same post as the signing up and wishlists. the comment the volunteers made will be screened - so, from there, i will assign you your person (if you can not see the screened post of mine, then tell me and i'll have to private message it to you or we'll work out something.)

okay, so you're probably wondering about the whole "but i don't write particular fandoms!" thing. the secret santa will have a limit to how many wishes one can make. taryn, the sassy little elf, will alter the wishlist - not exactly alter - but snip at it and glue the specific fandom to the author's stocking.

i'm not making any sense. (below is the roughest of wishlists ever.)

i'd like: (this, by the way, will need to be more specific and very, very fuller than the example below.)
one. crossover fic between veronica mars and gilmore girls featuring a/b. using the line i wish this love will never end;
two. supernatural crack!fic feat. sam, dean and a leprechaun;
three. grey's anatomy au to 0x00 where a kisses b instead of c;
four. one tree hill b/c. prompts: whispers, sand, hours.

okay. so, kate can't write one two or three, but she can write four. so, she'll get four. some people who request will end up getting four different fics from four different people - but that's the beauty of it!

if i give you a wish, and you know you can't do it, just simply ask for another. i'll gladly swap it with someone else's or pull another wish out of my hat. i'll simply ask you if you can do kate's wish, and if you can't, i'll hand it off to the next author - but, please, make sure your signing up applications can actually solve this little drama for me. just know the option for swap is always there! there will also be a deadline for this, too.

fics will not be due until around christmas. the date will be specified sometime along the line. if kate finishes her fics before the due-date is announced, keep them quiet. no one likes it when one spoils the surprise.


pretty stickers exchange.

the pretty stickers fic exchange is exactly what it sounds like; an exchange of fics. instead of not knowing who has wrapped your parcel, you'll know who is sending you a gift and what is in it - except you'll know what it is but not what it looks like (you're getting a bicycle, but you don't know how many wheels, the colour of it or the size.).

it'll work like this: in a post, titled something along the lines of "pretty stickers fic exchange", you'll be able to sign up for recieving a fic, and volunteering to write. there will be a deadline as to when you can volunteer and make your requests - this post will be screened, and once the deadline is up (this may be a week or two), the post will either be unscreened or a new one will be produced with the volunteer writers and the requesters.

* the deadline may be determined in regards to how many people sign up. if we don't get enough people, then the exchange won't happen.

but the catch is, you must have participated in a round and/or drabble - and have voted. it's not fair if you're gaining something when you, really, haven't don't anything to deserve it. (note: this was, obviously, written before the info. about the participation was.)

as the requester (we'll name this person rachel), rachel can request anything - there will be a limit as to how many fics you can request (possibly five or so, it depends on the numbers), and rachel will provide the fandoms and prompts in her application.

so, she may have requested supernatural, sam and dean, using the prompt stuck - and whatever specifications she's made, the author who volunteers (in a screened post - we sort of want this to be a little bit of a surprise as to who is writing - and to see how many people actually sign up as to whether i'll go with it or not) has to use those requirements and can take the story anywhere - as a drabble, a small or large fic - but they must not take it where rachel has specified not to.

the exchange will be secret until there is a post as to who is doing what. if you want to know who is writing your fic, then you can say so in the application; if you'd like to choose the author for a specific fandom or all of your fics, you may; if you want it to be a secret, then you can say so in your application and your fic and author will not turn up on the list. we don't want it to be totally secret - but there can be suspense, right?

so, if our author (alex) wants to volunteer, she'll fill in the author application, and specify what she writes and doesn't write, and then, once all the volunteers have, well, volunteered, rachel can decide who she wants - or leave it to me to partner you up.

so, what happens if rachel requests a supernatural fic, dr who, grey's anatomy and lost? if rachel likes alex's supernatural fics, she can choose her to write her her sam and dean "stuck" story; if she doesn't have anyone in mind for dr who, she can leave it up to me; if she wants grey's anatomy to be from another member (mara), then she can choose another member. she just can not ask for the same supernatural fic from two people. it's rude and it's really unnecessary; whoever she chooses or whoever i choose will do a fantastic job - you're all very talented writers!

if you, the author, get stuck with a fandom you don't write - you're the one to blame. i know it's hard to know the fandoms people like, but if you do not specify that you do not write anything outside of a, b, c, and d, then you're going to be stuck unless you ask me to give you another fic.

an author can decline a request. if they do not wish to do it, they can - i'll just simply select someone else, even if rachel chose mara. this isn't meant to make everyone uncomfortable; but if the prompt isn't sticking with you, just ask for another or give it some time. don't give up!

so, before i decide to write a novel on this, i'll conclude. hopefully i haven't contradicted myself, and if i have, it's a basic exchange where you can either choose someone to write for you or leave it to me to - it just depends solely on your application. you screw it up, then you kind of lose the game - be careful!

i know this sounds like the secret santa, but it's not! there are more options, this will possibly not be a total christmas thing as it does not involve christmas wishes, and this can also be used as a trade - you give me one supernatural fic and i'll give you one grey's anatomy fic. this can be like playing with pokemon cards in the playground!

any questions? (if you're going to do a hypothetical about an author and a writer, somehow use names! problem solving isn't my forte along with explaining. :p).


for both of these!:

- original fic can be asked for! if you want specific characters, make sure you include all the necessary information! if your wishlist is huge because of this, then it's huge. this is for you - who cares about how many comments it takes up when you're replying to a post? be selfish, okay? if you aren't specific - or you want the author to have some freedom - then just give some information, and they'll handle it from there. just know, original fic is an option - so if you're volunteering, make sure you include the possibilties!

- i'm deliberating about the author giving a little more to the requester in regards to art or fanmixes. i'm not sure if this is a little too - stepping over the fence to what the other fandom santas are - or if people would like this.

- any suggestions, questions, ideas or "you're insane" are welcome. my explaining is a little hard to follow, i think, so ask as many questions as possible! if you want examples, prod for them.

- i apologise if your name was used in any of the examples. and if you took offense to it. this apology is for you (i tried not to.)

- once this is decided upon, a post (or no posts, it depends) will be made. this same explanation may be used.

- if there are any errors in this post, please point them out. i did re-read over it - hence some points added that may have been repeated or contradicted. :p

my internet has been a bugger and my fingers feel dead, so that's a sign that i'm done! :)

round six, .mod post, .fic exchange, .secret santa

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