Title - Daddy Always Said Puppets Don't Breathe
Author -
lostdreamer56Rating - PG-13
Fandom - Heroes
Characters/Pairings - Claire, HRG, Nathan; implied Claire/HRG, Nathan/Peter, Nathan/Claire
Word Count - 1052
Prompt - Puppets, no image
Spoilers/Warnings - Spoilers up through 1.23 "How to Stop an Exploding Man," AU after that with notes to Pasdar's new facial 'do
Summary - He’s Geppetto and she’s Pinocchio, but she doesn’t want to be a real girl and he needs her to be more one than he can say.
Disclaimer - I don't own a thing; it all belongs to NBC and Tim Kring. I'm just borrowing them.
Daddy Always Said Puppets Don't Breathe