attic in the basement?

Jan 29, 2005 14:57

last week we didnt have one full day of school!
this week we had 2 full days of school...not hat bad
monday we had a snow day so me kc schaub and steff went skiing!
best day of the year
P E R F E C T ! !
awesome jump on boomer !!!
kc and i went to aj's for some backyard jumping with him and fritz
aj broke his wrist...:/
now he has a BRIGHT pink cast!
i went to amy's house thursday night..
couldnt believe my eyes.
amy nicole perdue was cleanign her room
and i dont just mean putting clothes away
i mean CELAN
throwing things away she dosnt need
last night me kc steff and schaub went skiing again!
crouded a little bit but very nice out!
hahaah mike the lift man wrote me a poem! THE FUNNIEST THING I EVER HERD!
haha we all helped KENN keep the kids under control !!!
love it
nice big big coffie befor skiing made me peeeee!
but not in the toliet
instead i peed on my landing fomr a jump. HAHAHAH sooo funny
tonight i am heading over amy and lindsay's house
and brittney thomas is comming over
so that will be fun
i was talkign to sarah bozanka the other day.....I MISS HER. I REALLY DO!
so we said "ok then" "LETS HANG OUT SOON"
so now we will
im goin to go back to cleanign my room

we need some more snow!

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