(no subject)

Apr 07, 2007 10:59

people suck. my life is involved with complicatedness right about now, which makes me angry!! it involves tylers mom and some general ridiculousness that i wont get into here. dont wanna get all pissed off here while im at work. ask me if you see me. im mad because someone thought itd be funny to change peoples numbers in my phone...so now i dont have some peoples numbers...sad...
im not having a good time lately...
Im always tired. even after ive slept a long time. its so weird. the worst part is that i keep thinking ahead to my life, and realizing that im going to have to wake up early for the rest of my life and it makes me sad...it makes me feel like i dont want to do it. is that not the most horrid reason for being depressed youve ever heard?
i thought so...
saw Mew. was good. very loud. yep.

Time Started: 12.29pm
Name: Sarah
Gender: female

1.) When showering, do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water?:
start then get in...id freeze other wise

2.) Do you read the labels on the shampoo bottle?
sometimes...i read whatevers availiable actually

3.) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the herbal essence commercial?:
ha no..my mom does and it scares me

4.) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
not the shower but the bathtub. one time sam pooped in the bathtub..ewwwww

6) have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?
yeah but i dont like it cuz it makes my skin minty..which feels icky

7.) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?:

9.) How old do you look?
apparently i look 13....
i am a freakishly developped 13 year old i guess...

10.) What's the last song you heard/sang?
'"nicotine and gravy" by Beck

11.) Have you recently become a member of anything?
ummmmmmm.......................................no...? I dont remember....

12.) What are your plans for the weekend?
today i'm working...tonight i'll dye easter eggs and tomorrow...easter stuff

13.) What is your mood at the moment?
tired and grumpy. with a side of lingering mad

14.) Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?:
i think i have actually...maybe i dreamed it...

15) Do you ever intentionally vomit after eating?

17.) Have you ever called anyone a slut?

18.) Has anyone ever called you a slut?

19). Have you ever smuggled something into America?
i dunno..lots of chocolate but i dont think they care about that

20.) Does playing a guitar make someone more attractive?
sometimes. if they play good. good lord ive had some bad guitar-playing-guy experiences...tyler would be hoooottttt playing a guitar...rawr

21.) Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
rugby team's decent. footballs good. baseballs obviously good.

25.) Do you have more enemies or more friends?
im not sure at this point.... :P

26.) Have you ever sent an anonymous letter?
only on lj, but thats not that anonymous

27.) Can you fix your own car?
to a point

28.) Do you like staying up late?:
not every night..i really like to sleep

29.) Are you smarter than your friends?

30.) Have you ever stolen anything from your friends?
probably a long time ago

31.) Have you ever been to jail?
Only in Monopoly. (i stole libby's answer)

33) Do you like the smell of beer?
some beer

34.) Have you ever died or killed someone in a dream?
no...but i have beat up lindsay lohan in a dream. i kicked her ass....

35.) Have you ever given to charity?

36.) Would you kill a dog for $1000?

37.) Do you ever get depressed?

38.) Do you live with your parents?

39.) Do you have plans for your future?
yeah i guess. the career part is set but everything else is bleagh right now

40.) Who was the last person you messaged?
massaged? oh messaged...both tyler :)

41.) Who was the last person you called?

42.) What was the last thing you had to drink?
water that i had to spit back into my water bottle cuz i started drowning. literally

You are
[ ] short, under 5'4"
[x] 5'4"-5'5"
[ ] 5'6" - 5'7 ''
[ ] 5'7" - 6'0"
[ ] unsure whether you're between 6'0"-6'1"
[ ] tall 6'1 and up

[ ] blonde
[ ] redhead
[ ] brunette
[ x] dirty blonde
[x] brownish
[ ] dark brown
[ ] black
[ ] indian red/light brown
[ ] dont know... dyed it too much
[] damn sexy

[ ] blue-eyed
[ ] brown-eyed
[ ] black-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ x] Hazel-eyed
[ ] gold/gray-eyed
[ ] silver/gray- eyed
[ ] blue/green-eyed
[ ] blue/gray-eyed
[ ] green/gray-eyed
[ x] they change colors
[ ] amber

[ x] short hair
[ ] medium hair
[ ] long hair
[] sexy hair

Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ] red
[ ] khaki
[ ] fuscia
[ ] maroon
[ ] gold
[ ] teal
[ ] coral
[ ] clear
[ ] bronze
[ ] I don't really care
[ ] rainbow
[X] I basically like all colors
[ ] metallic blue

Your personality is sometimes...
[X] talkative
[X] shy
[ ] funny
[ ] serious
[X] laid back
[ ] strict
[ ] hyper
[X] sarcastic
[ ] slow

The pets you have HAD?-
[xxxxx] cat
[ xx] dog
[ x] rat
[ ] ferret
[ x] bunny
[X] fish
[ ] horse
[ xx] bird
[ ] frog
[ ] hermit crab
[ ] turtle
[ xx] hamster
[ ] snake
[ ] gerbil
[ ] guinea pig
[ ] pig
[ ] goat
[ ] chinchilla
[ ] tarantula
[ ] geese
[X] baby chicks (in school, does that count?)
[xxx ] baby ducklings
[ ] none
[ ] hedgehog
[ ] snail
[ ] piranha
[ ] seagull
[ ] newt
[ ] pigeon
[ ] i hate animals
[ xxxxxxxx!!!!!!] chupakabra <
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