Casey and I can spend hours on the phone together. I realized tonight she's been hurt by false friendships, and she's built herself to be better because of that. It's a secret, but I think I see now how beautiful of a person she is. She's an honest friend, and she's charming as all hell. I know she cares about me, but it wasn't until she worded how even if I don't feel like dating, she'll still be my friend. Don't tell her, but I think she's an amazing person.
Imagine my surprise in yoga when I recognize
Sarah Rosenberg in front of me. Foxfire, such a feminist rebel-without-a-cause semi-lezzie flick, and guess what? She complimented my form :) Yoga is tough work (this isn't beginner's yoga mind you) but we always feel most unwound afterward. Today Andres and I had fun because we had to pull a strap between each others legs from behind and pull. Well him and I have seen all kinds of each other's naked, so it was fun.
I haven't gotten this song out of my head. I love Cat Power so much. So fucking much..
Quote of the Day:
'I'm not a horrendous person, I just like to say fucked up things!'