Dec 19, 2009 02:18
I mean this in the most non-cynical manner.
Does love really exist?
I mean honestly.
Does love, between two people, from two different places, different pasts, different upbringings, really happen?
Or is it we just get comfortable. That we find someone that fits?
Is it we find another person that fills what's normally missing and that it works.
Is that love? Or is that friendship?
Is that all love really is, just a friendship?
I want to believe in love. I always have. Friends tell me I'm the one in love with love.
I don't know anymore.
Love isn't like some enchanted evening. It isn't a fairy tale. Or even love at first sight. It isn't real life.
And when we do find, what we believe is love, does it always continue as that? Or does it fade, grow into something stale and comfortable that we lose the once felt passion we had.
Is what we feel at first for someone even love or just a mix of chemical responses in the brain and an emotional high that we're finally buying into the thought that yes, this could be love.
I thought, believed and hoped love was a feeling, felt from deep within. It consisted of deep admiration, comfort, security, hope and passion for another person. But do these feelings ever last? The only thing love has ever given me was heartache and disappointment.
Am I asking too much of love?
I'm just starting to wonder if love is even real, or if, its just coexistence. An alternative to being lonely.