Dec 29, 2002 20:28
I am so excited about this journal thingy we are doing.
What a great way to keep up with friends! Plus, I hear that these journals are saved forever, so in 1000 years someone could read all about me! Thats sort of weird, but fun tooooo!
I can't wait till Lavender, and Hermione, and Ginny and everyone else starts doing this. I wonder if they will talk about me.
You'll notice that I didn't say that I couldn't wait for my perfect prefect twin sister to start her journal. I am sorry to say that Padma is still being a dosey prat, so our rift (that started last year, you'll remember) remains.
I'm so glad she's not in Gryffindor with me! (But then, she doesn't really have Gryffindor qualities!) When we sorted into different houses way back when, I was devastated. We were identical twins after all, and the best of friends.
Ha! That hat saw that Padma was no Gryffindor. I know better than to ever question the hat again. Thank Merlin!
Enough about that! Hugs to all of my friends! I LOVE YOU ALL!.
Oh this will be fun! I have so many friends and I can't wait to keep up! Hurry up and start you guys!
I wonder if any of the boys will let it slip that they have a crush on me in their journal! That will be soooooo funny!
The Creevey boy said he'd help take my picture the way muggles take theirs so I can have my pictures as my "icons" here! I can't wait!
Okay, bye everyone! Huuuuuuugggggssss!