Dec 17, 2012 15:57
This is by no means any "emergency", this is just a simple attempt to see if anyone finds it in their heart to donate even a simple dollar, so I can help treat a friend to something fun.
Straight up, this is so I can buy my friend a membership for FC. Yes, this is just a con, not a necessity, and if we don't meet our goal she'll just be ghosting, or we'll buy a one day badge depending on how much we can raise.
Why am I asking this? Because this friend desperately needs the vacation. This is not some broke-ass furry, with no job, still living at home looking for a free ride. This is my friend who works a real job, takes overtime whenever she can, and puts her bills and adult responsibilities before fun activities. She doesn't get out as much as she'd like, so I'd like to see her get a little help for all her hard work and treat her to something fun!
She actually enjoys attending panels, and wants to be able to experiance the con to the fullest, after not attending since 2009. She has not asked for this help with attending, I just want to be able to surprise her.
I'm trying to raise the cost of a standard membership before pre-reg closes on the 31st.
Please don't leave any negative comments. I was already honest and said, this is for a furry con, for the fun of it. I don't see the harm in asking though to help my friend who works their butt off. This isn't some moocher just looking for a free hand-out.
So in the spirit of the season, if you want to help, with any amount at all, please send any donations to my paypal pretty.omi at
EDIT: 12/26 as of yesterday, I raised enough money, and officially registered her for the con! She is super excited and really looking forward to our trip now!
Thank you to everyone who donated!