Title: Babysitter with a Shotgun
lizzyrebelRating: PG-13
Prompt: none
Character/Pairing: Ashley/OC, Leon/Ashley
Spoilers/Warnings: post-game
Author's Notes: another one-shot from me from the realm of Resident Evil. When I write Leon/Ashley I write it so out of the norm. I mean, normally my fics are riddled with angst and dark reflections. But Leon and Ashley? The idea of their relationship humors me too much. ^_^
Someone somewhere, Leon S. Kennedy decided, hated him. He sure as hell hoped it wasn’t God, because he figured they had reconnected in Spain and he thought their relationship was going fairly well.
Besides, no way could God be this unjust.
In Leon’s mind, bodyguard duty was something you got when you pissed off the wrong person. And not just pissed off, but really pissed off. Sure, he had nothing but respect for the guys who made sure their President didn’t get pumped full of lead, but Leon would still bet nearly all of them would give their right nut to be anywhere else.
And the only thing worse than bodyguard duty? Bodyguard duty when the body to be guarding was Ashley Graham.
Over the electric dance floor-complete with strobe lights in the freaking glass tiled floor; who the hell had forgotten the seventies were thirty years ago?-he glared at the girl in question. This was the fifth time he had somehow been wrangled into Baby Graham watching and Leon was sure that someone was plotting against him. There was just no way he was that unlucky.
Ashley bobbed and weaved through the crowd, laughing as she was jostled and sent sideways by a wayward elbow. Ashley laughed it off, Leon nearly jumped to his feet and wiped out the Glock he was packing.
He hated the mini-skirt and tube top she was decked out in. No, wait. Scratch that. He liked the mini-skirt and tube top she was decked out in. He just hated that everyone else was getting a chance to like it too.
On top of that, Boy Toy Number Five was getting too friendly with Ashley’s butt. That was the forth time-
Fifth! Leon nearly broke his shot of straight vodka as Boy Toy’s hands wandered. Of course, Ashley laughed at him and guided his hands to safer, Leon-doesn’t-have-to-kill-you-now territory.
He gritted his teeth. The boy had two more chance and if those fingers got too friendly an eighth time, he and Leon were going to have words. Violent words.
A waitress swaggered up to him to ask if he needed another shot-and yes he did-took one look at his face, and made a beeline in the other direction. Leon couldn’t blame her. He’d probably haul ass too.
Ashley wiggled into Boy Toy’s arms as the music lowered to a slow tempo and… yes, there his hands went. Too damn low, but not low enough, since Leon had decided only to get pissed if it was Ashley’s ass that was getting groped.
Maybe he would raise the bar.
Leon knew he really wasn’t supposed to be drinking on the job, but he also figured Ashley really wasn’t supposed to be calling him her babysitter, so they probably came out about even, only he’d get fired if something happened to her while he was swallowing vodka. Not that anything would.
How had she introduced him to Boy Toy? Oh yes, he remembered. “Oh, him? That’s Leon. He’s my babysitter.”
Fucking babysitter.
Sure as hell, Leon wasn’t anyone’s babysitter. On good days he was a highly trained agent of the United States government, on bad days he was Ashley Graham’s bodyguard, and there were huge differences between a babysitter and a bodyguard. Like jump-in-front-of-all-bullet differences. Oh, and he carried a gun, and he knew how to use it, preferably on boy toys that couldn’t keep their hands to themselves-sixth!
This was getting to be pretty ri-freaking-diculous. Ashley should have damn well said something by now, like “hey, you, stop touching my ass. You see that guy over there? Yeah, he’s this close to shooting you.”
Or something to that effect.
Leon considered just scooping Ashley right off the dance floor and dragging her kicking and screaming back home. It would certainly save his sanity, which Leon thought might just be a little more important than how well Ashley’s date when, especially considering he was the one with a gun.
Ashley and Boy Toy left the dance floor and went back to their small table in the dim lighting of the club. Leon’s glare intensified as the boy’s hands slid down to the tempting bottom of the President’s daughter for the seventh, and freaking final, time.
He stood just as Ashley turned, dislodging Grabby Hands, and made a motion to the restroom before heading off in the general direction. It was for the best, Leon figured. Ashley probably wouldn’t appreciate Leon putting the fear of God and a loaded Glock into her latest boyfriend.
Boy Toy turned when Leon reached him, his eyes widening, “Oh, you’re Ashley’s-”
Leon’s hand descended on him with a thump before he said something that would make Leon do something stupid, like pistol whip him. It wasn’t so much that he was worried about pretty boy’s face being messed up-that actually gave Leon a pleasant, warm feeling-but he couldn’t exactly guard Ashley while he was sitting on his hands in jail, could he?
“Let’s have a chat, you and me.” He knew his tone suggested that the chat they were about to have would be full of pain, but what could he do?
“Ah, okay.” Boy Toy looked nervous.
Good. Leon thrust him into his seat and smiled, not amicably, but with all his teeth, and this guy had more brain cells than Ashley’s last date because he got it from the start.
“There’s a long and tiring speech about how a gentleman should behave around a lady,” Leon started and sat down beside the pretty boy, still smiling. “But let’s cut the shit and I’ll say it in layman’s terms. Your hands wander one more time, you aren’t going to have hands.”
The boy blanched. “Can-can you do that?”
“I can do a lot of things.” Leon let the suggestion hang in the air. “But tonight, I’m all about Ashley Graham, and I don’t think her father would appreciate it to know you’re feeling up his baby girl’s ass, would he?”
“I guess-I guess not.”
So the boy could be taught. Leon closed his hand around Boy Toy’s shoulder and squeezed. “Consider me an extension of the President, then. And what do fathers do to pretty boys who can’t keep their hands to themselves?”
He gulped and looked down at the gun in Leon’s hustler.
Leon patted his face. Well, okay. It was about two levels below a nice slap, but still. Leon was all civility. “Good boy.” He caught the flash of Ashley’s hair as she came back to them. “Don’t make me walk over here again, okay?”
Ashley appeared at his side just as Boy Toy nodded.
She looked pretty mad. “Leon,” she began.
He cut her off by saying, “Well, glad we got the chance to talk. You two kids have fun now.” He stood, using Boy Toy’s shoulder as a springboard and made sure that that he put a little more force into that he had to.
Leon considered himself to be, at that moment, the very paragon of self-restraint. Because his I-eat-pretty-boys-for-breakfast smile didn’t cross his face until after Ashley couldn’t see it.
No more then ten minutes later, Ashley walked over to him, looking about ready to spit nails. “He said that he just remembered he had to go pick up his sister from band practice, and that he’s really sorry he can’t give me a ride home.”
Leon finished his second shot of Vodka to hide his grin. Record time, Kennedy. Either I’m getting better or Ashley’s lowering her standards.
“Poor guy,” he said.
Ashley started at him. “He doesn’t have a sister.”
“Poor liar, then.”
Her response to that was a groan of frustration. Ashley stormed towards the exit, grabbing her coat on the way out. Leon paid for his second shot and then left a generous tip because he was in a good mood and followed Ashley out.
“Want me to hail a cab?” If he had known that the boy toy was going to be that easy to break, Leon would have brought his own car.
“I’m walking.”
“Ashley, it’s thirty degrees out here.”
She whipped around to face him. “I’m walking home, Leon S. Kennedy, or I’m throwing you in front of a bus.” Which wouldn’t be plausible, ever, but Leon got the principal of the idea.
So they walked.
About three blocks away from the club, Ashley had worked off enough of her mad to snap, “That’s the fifth date of mine that you’ve scared off.”
If she put it that way, it made sense that she was ticked.
Ashley sighed, her breath expelling from her lips, and it sounded to Leon that the anger was all gone, which was very good. Ashley halted her steps, her heels clicking against the uneven cement and looked at him from lowered lashes.
“If you don’t want me dating other guys, you could just say so.”
Leon blinked. Was it really as simple as it sounded? Because from the way she put it, he’d be all set if it really worked like that. It sounded like heaven. No more pretty boys, and no more hands on Ashley’s Graham’s butt.
“I don’t want you dating other guys,” Leon told her.
“Okay,” Ashley agreed and waited. “Well?”
Oh great. There was more to it. He hated when women did that. They said one thing, but meant another. And Leon was really bad at this kind of thing. He should have known that it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“Well what?”
“Leon!” Ashley looked ready to throw him in front of a bus again. Leon took a step back. “You can’t just say something like that!”
Well that was just great. She had just said he could.
“You have to tell me that you don’t want me to date other men because you want to date me.”
Whoa. Hold the phone. What romance novel did she step out of?
Ashley looked horrified. “You mean, you don’t want to go out with me?”
Well, that wasn’t it, exactly. Leon had actually spent a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to get into Ashley’s pants, to be the one who took her out, to put his hand all over her butt because he could because she was his, but there were a lot of reasons why they remained just fantasies, her father technically being his boss just one of them.
“But I thought-you acted like you were jealous!” Ashley’s face went pink with embarrassment and she turned on her heel and stormed away from him. “I-I can’t believe I… you’re an asshole, Leon S. Kennedy!”
It took Leon a full four seconds before he was rushing to catch up with her, snagging her arm and drawing her to a halt when she refused to stop.
“Hey, now, I didn’t say I didn’t want to go out with you.”
She glared at him hotly. “You didn’t say anything!”
Yes. He could see how she would take that the wrong way.
“I was thinking,” he told her and smiled down into her face. “Maybe I was a little jealous. I guess I don’t normally threaten harmless boy toys with handguns.”
“He wasn’t a boy toy,” she mumbled. “He goes to Harvard Medical.”
Well la-de-freaking-da for him. Leon was lucky to pass the entrance exam to the Academy. “Okay, so he’s a smart boy toy. Still a boy toy. Anyway, like I was saying, I was thinking that you have a point. I don’t want you to date other guys because I want to date you.”
“Oh.” Ashley looked up at him and nodded. “Good.”
“But I’m going to warn you right now,” he interjected on her happy parade, which really wasn’t all that happy since she was still frowning, and somehow that kind of made him mad. “I don’t do clubs a whole lot, and even less with fancy dinners. I’m a bowling and pizza night kind of guy.”
“I like bowling, and pizza.”
“That’s good.” Because it really was. In fact, the more he thought about, the more he was warming up to the idea of it. Being Ashley Graham’s boyfriend had a number of appeals, not the least of which was the fact that there would be no more guys putting their hands on her butt, expect him anyway.
Carefully, he took her hand, which was small in his, and Ashley smiled up into his face, and Leon thought the night was looking a whole lot better. They started walking again and Leon let go of her hand to lock his arm around her shoulders.
No, his other hand didn’t wander. But, hell, the night was still young.
Leon S. Kennedy: 5. Boy Toys from Harvard: 0.