had a very interesting conversation with a man from oregon tonight on the steps downtown. life is worth living i have decided. i may be in a shitty mood right now, but i'm happy i'm here...
besides, it could be ALOT worse. i could be dead. i have decided that depression is self-indulgent i don't want to be a part of it. ( no offence to anyone, sorry) my own views here. not that saying that magically changes anything, but it's the first step to a life of happiness i've decided. just because certain people in this life are assholes, it doesn't mean that i should sit around and mope and feel sorry for myself. there's so much to live for! and i'm not participating! i dunno, just a thought...
by, the way, i got this off sophie (thank you soph) and i like it.
Freudian Inventory Results Genital (20%) you appear to have a pessimistic and destructive outlook on life.
Latency (40%) you appear to have a good balance of knowledge seeking and practicality.
Phallic (56%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure.
Anal (46%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity.
Oral (73%) you appear to be overly passive and dependent, wanting things to be given to you instead of working for them.
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