Sep 14, 2008 15:34
So I've been going to Michigan Renaissance Festival for 11 years. I've gone when it's been cold, when it's been sunny and when it's been rainy, but I've never left the festival early before. This year my family and myself were rained out of the Ren Fest. I was very sad... There were rivers and tributaries everywhere, ponds stretching across the whole fair and sinkholes all around.
We stayed until 1pm and decided that Lady couldn't take. On top of that we were tired of being to wet. I couldn't even take any pictures for fear of my camera getting wet, but I promise to get pictures soon. The only plus side was that there were very few people there; however, everyone was ducking into shops just to stay dry.
On top of all of that... My brand new shirt that I made got stained when my costume bled all over it. T_____________T I'm so upset; and don't give me any crap about it because I may rip off your head. It went from my bodice, my shirt that I made, to my undershirt, my bra and my skin. Yes, I am now colored in reds and blacks on my back. I was very pissed off... And my boots did not keep the water out it was a very squishy day. By the time we got back to the car Daniel was dripping wet, Lady was shaking uncontrollably and I was covered in mud and water up to my thighs- I kid you not. The hardest part was walking around the park and not stepping into a sinkhole, which is not easy at all.
My mom was really upset because it was her birthday present. Thankfully we are going next week-end and hopefully it will be a beautiful week-end. For now I have to work on making a new shirt to fix the one that is ruined and go do the laundry. I'm really happy that making the shirt will only take me a couple of hours instead of a couple of days like it did the first time. What really makes me sad is that it was the first thing I ever sewed together that wasn't a bandanna. On well... C'est la vie.