Jun 20, 2005 16:11
so summer has officially started :D
This weekend was pretty sweet, and last night was the DMB concert. I heard his voice was shot from Saturday and he played a lot of his new stuff which was okay, but I still wish I went Saturday. Although Phoeb and Alex and I were hippie dancing and that was great. Alex, care, and I all wiped out on the hill I had it way worse seeing as how I slid down. I saw Hunter Norte right before I fell so its okay, he saw me in clean clothes :P haa and then some fat old guy started telling Scott how his girlfriend looked good with mud all on her butt. lovely.
Today I started at the Davies babysitting for the summer. I love these kids but I already made an enemy today because one of the twins didnt finish his lunch and left the table (there really wasnt that much left) and I wouldnt let him have dessert and he threw a fit. ohhh well.
haha it was funny cause all the kids asked me for help on their math packets of course I could help them and felt smart in math for once haha
hmmmm so, the st Briget's fair is this week.. ah that brings back memories. I want to go again this year I do not caree.
And yeah, I think I'm going to start running like it says on my running schedule in a few days even though we arent meeting for practices yet.
yayyy<3 summer running!