Mar 17, 2005 19:52
You all cannot tell me that if Doug, the best cartoon ever, was released on DVD you would not buy it because secretly you loved learning lessons and watching teenagers solve problems without violence, but still they had a bully that provoked them. Several of my friends and I have talked about this and we have concluded that we have to write angry letters to Nickolodeon asking them to return the show to the air or put the seasons on DVDs. However, now that I am writing this I am remembering that Disney picked up the show... but am I correct in thinking that the show quality slightly declined after this transition? I believe I am. Hmmmm end of rant, lets all write letters. k? good.
Also, I would just like to clarify... that game that we used to play and thought we were halirious, it has come to my attention that some girls I know do not play it correctly.. You are supposed to wave and beep on the OPPOSITE side of the street from where people are walking and see if they wave or get insulted.
Just a reminder of anyone else that would like to do that to innocent pedestrians, please play responsibly. :)