theatrical_muse 219 - Headlines

Mar 01, 2008 23:26

So, here's the thing about being famous: people think they know you. It's easy to see why they'd think that. You suddenly become this person of public interest and then the next thing you know, someone's stealing your trash so they can post your grocery store receipt on the Internet for all to see and dissect you accordingly. Like anyone can tell anything about you from your diet of sparkling water and chicken salads with the occasional cheesecake.

And like they can tell anything more from looking at pictures of you that some ruthless paparazzi with a complete lack of morals snapped of you and some guy, claiming you to be a couple. When the truth is, you don't even know the guy, you can barely remember his name because your agent or publicist or whoever arranged the whole thing. It's good publicity for him, it's good publicity for you, but like everything else in this business that's fake, it's much ado about nothing. 'Cause you're not even interested in the actor, the basketball player, the musician who writes tortured love songs that everyone speculates or just blatantly assumes were written about you because they once saw a picture of the two of you attending some black tie event or having coffee on the sidewalk outside some little cafe.

They don't know about the one that you don't want them to know about. And the truth is? He's the only one that matters. And that's why no one will ever know about him. Because a lack of privacy kills relationships. Plus there's this thing where you've found something amazing and you kinda just want to keep it all to yourself and not share. Especially with the entire world.

The truth is, no one knows you. Not your friends, 'cause you have to pretty much bail on them at every turn to keep working your ass off to reach just a little bit higher. Not your family, because the only thing they want is a piece of you. Whichever piece they can get. And definitely not any of your entourage, who basically get paid to tell you 'yes' even when they should be telling you 'no'.

It's lonely, and definitely sad that you find yourself thinking that if it weren't for all those fake, orchestrated headlines? It's like no one would know you existed at all. It just may be that no one will ever know the real you, or the you that you've become. But at least it's better than no one knowing you at all.

Brooke Davis
One Tree Hill
424 Words
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