Anime Iowa 07

Aug 13, 2007 08:27

Wow, back from AI. That was really fun. It was great to see so many friends and some awesome costumes. Everyone was pretty polite as well, which anime cons aren't known for. And I must say, AI has moved up quite a bit. For a while I had thought the con was going under but it came back and looks like it'll make it.

Friday: Got in pretty late, but thanks to my mothers scary driving, earlier then I thought we would. I made it over to watch a good hour or so of Greg's set. Then popped in on Steve's panel to say "Hi!". But it was packed so I made my way back outside for some air. Which is where I ran into some guys from Ames and the DeJesus's. We sat and talked for about an hour before I called it quits.

Saturday: Got up bright and early, but spent too long eating breakfast to make a panel I wanted to see. Mom and I checked out the dealers room, which was very nice. I then crashed at Steve Bennetts table for a couple hours. Later I made my way up to the food room aka recharge room and ran into Connie's mom. We sat and caught up a bit, then I found out Connie was there too. I was so excited! It'd been back in March that I saw her last and I wasn't showing at all then. We went downstairs to meet up with her and help her with her costume. She had made a Shadow Lady Crimson Cat and it had turned out awesome. I'm trying to find pictures of it right now. I decided to not attend the cosplay though, too crowded and the seating was wacky. So I went to Old Chicagos for dinner. After that we went swimming, which feels super weird btw. Then it was out to the room parties. Where I proceeded to fill up on orange juice and other mixers. :p Then I went back to the hotel and crashed.

Sunday: Walk around with Mom. I said my "Good-byes" and headed home.

All in all I was very impressed by AI. The only bad thing really was the woman handeling the cosplay was overly rude and full of herself. I was also upset to find out that after making quite the fuss over Connies chest (it's large) and how it was a family con and people would complain. She allowed females to make out on stage, more then once and someone to crack a joke about the Twin Bridge collapse. She did absolutely nothing about either of these situations. Yet she was threating to not let my friend compete because she has a large chest?? To make it even better she was dressed as Yobaba from Spirited Away, so it made her seem extra mean to me. Other then that though I can safely say that I plan on attending next year.

Note: I took a nap and several long breaks through out the day.

I'm getting so excited, my due date is 13 days away. I've got an ultrasound tomorrow! ^_^ There's not problems with the baby. They just want to double check the fluid level and estimate his size. As of right now their guessing he's between 8-9 pounds! O.O The other thing is that I'm already dilated 3 cm and over 75% effaced, yet I'm not experiencing contractions, to my knowledge. The last two midwives I saw swear up and down that theirs no way I wouldn't recognize a contraction. And one of them is convinced that I couldn't be just very tolerant of them. Which I found a little rude and surprising. But I didn't let it bother me. I'm just excited.
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