sugar and spice and all that's nice

Jan 12, 2010 11:12

1. Do you currently have your period?:
No, yay.

2. Describe the bra you're wearing:
Navy blue with like a subtle lace overlay.

3. Do you straighten your hair every day?:
Yeah, poor hair. :(

4. Do you like the size of your boobs?:
They’re alright.

5. Are you addicted to gossip?:
I like knowing bad stuff about other people mostly because it helps me feel less inferior to them, like I usually feel with 100% of the population, it’s sad.

6. Do you read chick lit or romance novels?:
Chick lit is ok, it can be very smart and is a lot less schmaltzy.

7. Does size really matter when it comes to guys?:

8. Would you kill for chocolate on your period?:
Maybe not once I’m ON my period, but during PMS, yes.

9. What's the most you've ever spent on one handbag?:
It was like $120. A damn fine handbag too, I’d do it again.

10. Pants or skirts?:

11. Do you wear something that's uncomfortable just because it looks good?:
Yep, I wear a lot of crazy killer heels.

12. Have you ever spent hours getting pretty for a first date?:
Yes, it’s fun to do that every once in awhile.

13. Do you cry during romantic movies?:
I have during a couple.

14. Would you leave the house without makeup on?:
I do on occasion, but it affects my mood, I feel like crap.

15. Do you own anything from Tiffany's?:
No. :(

16. What perfume(s) do you wear?:
Vanilla sugar body spray.

17. Do you consider making out "unladylike"?:
Um, no.

18. On a scale of 1-10, how fun is shopping?:

19. Are you a tomboy?:
I was when I was little, I had 3 older brothers. But not now, heck no.

20. What's your favorite lipgloss?:

21. Do you enjoy bubble baths?:
Oh yeah. Although I think I take one maybe once a year lol.

22. Are you a virgin?:

23. How far do you go on a first date?:
MAYBE a kiss goodnight, definitely not more than that on a first date.

24. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?:
An hour.

25. Do you wear sweatpants/pajama pants in public because it's comfortable?:
No, can’t bring myself to do that. I like to make an effort.

26. True or false - Accessories make the outfit:
They can, they definitely can. Depends on the outfit. A plain solid print dress, accessories can definitley make the outfit.

27. Do you wear fake nails?:

28. What type of guys do you like?:
Smart, funny, deep, complext ones.

29. Is pink truly the best color in the entire universe?:
One of them, yep, although a pale aqua is my favorite color.

30. True or false - Thongs are comfortable:
True, I don’t even notice them anymore.

31. What's your relationship status?:
In one.

33. Bikini, tankini, one-piece?:
On me? None. But all three can be cute.

34. Do you wear lingerie as your Halloween costume?:
No way.

35. Ever dressed like a whore to impress a guy?:
Uh no. Sexy yes, but not like a whore. And yeah there’s a big difference.

36. Do you often wish there was something you could change about yourself?:
All the time.

37. Do you wear high heels everywhere?:
Pretty much, besides sneakers to the gym or some flat boots during winter.

38. Do you always let a guy pay for you?:
I used to have major issues with this and hated it, but I’ve mellowed. I do like taking turns, at least.

39. How many pairs of shoes do you own?:
Eighty something.

40. How many of those do you wear regularly?:
More than half, I LOVE my shoes.

41. Can you pack lightly?:
I can, but then once on the trip always think of what I didn’t pack, should have packed, or needed but forgot. :(

42. Do you like wearing dresses?:
Love wearing dresses.

43. Do you write a lot of love poems?:
No. I like some poetry, but it is not a skill I possess.

44. Do you consider yourself to be fashionable?:
Ooooh I definitely try, I love fashion and how you can present yourself with it, what message you can send with it, what aspect of you it can underscore. :)

45. On a scale of 1-10, how much do guys confuse you?:
Guys, as the bestial creatures that they are, confuse me at about a 1. Humanity in general however, confuses me to like an 11.

47. Do you worry about your weight?:
I do. It’s so freaking easy to gain 5-10 pounds, but then takes a monumental herculean effort to lose it. :( So not fair.

49. Do you diet and exercise?:
I do like exercise but I’ve been slacking. I don’t diet, those don’t work. I just try to eat in the way that’s best for me and my body.

50. What makeup product could you NOT live without?:
Foundation probably, I hate my skin. :(
stolen from languor
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