(no subject)

Jan 10, 2012 11:56


"I want to kill my friends!" How can he not adore that?

Dilandau's new favorite in Luceti. Kefka's going to teach him DESTRUCTIVE MAGIC and then turn him into a lackey. Greaaaattt.

They are allies, for now. Likes her because she's from Zaibach, and Zaibach is glorious. Also has new found empathy for her due to the fact that the sorcerers fucked her up. Doesn't like that she worships Folken.

Likes to boss him around, and is still under the delusion that he's Vash's "commander."

The only person he can have a lengthy conversation with that doesn't involve yelling.


Annoying girl. Tolerable. Not on the kill list.

Annoying guy that needs to STAY OUT OF HIS BOOK. Cheated at Last Letter = First Letter. Called him princess. Not quite on the kill list, though. Yet.

He dresses like a sorcerer. Not good. Used to be a sorcerer. Even worse. Tries to tell him what to do. Also not good. Dilandau still doesn't completely despise him, though.

She's not bad for a little kid and a do-gooder. She swears and boozes at age twelve. Dilandau can't completely hate her. Oddly enough, I don't think he's even yelled at her. They even almost get along, except for the fact that she's still a do-gooder and Dilandau's insane. Sorry Toph. :|

The Kill List:

Tried to molest him during Dragobete! Pedophile! Pervert! Must DIE.

Made Dilandau RAAAGE. Currently hates. hates. hates.

They've been in a fight. MAGICAL FREAK. Must pay for his insolence. Someday.

The "bitch." Insulted him! He'd kill her just to prove her wrong.

I will add more later. I know there's definitely more on the Kill List. Let me know if I left you out. :X

relationships, ooc!

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