Mar 10, 2006 01:49
ok heres how its gonna go.
i am off friday and saturday and dont work sunday til 12, so we are getting down TOMRROW fucking night, bring your ass and come see me...ALL OF YOU.
but before then THE HILLS HAVE EYES (which hopefully will be good cause the original is incredible, wes cravens first film) is playing at the pinnacle at...
1:10 2:15 4:10 5:10 7:45 8:30 10:30 11:30
i say we got at 4:15 cause it will be a matinee and cheap then go get some food then come back and get SHIT FACED, as shit faced as i am right now.
but if not pick at time and i will be there. come on holla at yo boy.
865 405 0027
no pranks please.
and fuck dumb bitches and fuck work and all the hotttttttt milfs that come in and want boards and wood cut and for me to load their espediton or infiniti or beamer (or whatever nice car their rich as wake dick husband bought for them) with OSB boards, im like girl i gotta damn OSB board ill load in your trunk...
yeah im drunk sorry.
david gray makes me want to die, but i cant stop listening to his new album.