Permissions Post

Jul 20, 2030 21:08

.Contact Information.

[E-Mail] exitmouse AT gmail DOT com
[Instant Messengers] Riceballtohru
[Plurk] oncemorewithfeeling
[Preferred] no real preference though I tend to leave AIM running on my desktop when I go to bed/leave for work and frequently forget to turn on aways SO IF I DON'T REPLY THAT PROBABLY MEANS I WAS AN IDIOT AGAIN.


[Backtagging] Honestly I always tend to need this myself, so backtag away. Go ahead and ask if you aren't sure.
[Plotting] I ALSO LOVE PLOTTING. You can go ahead and hit up a PM, IM, or anything really!
[Offensive subjects] I'm pretty okay with anything, though I can be a little shy about smut sometimes (ironic as Wallace is a ho) I'm fine with fade to blacks as well, etc - basically I'm a huge freak with very few squicks. Again, if you're unsure just ask. I promise that even if it isn't my cup of tea I will remain polite and not treat you like a freak for asking.


[What's okay to mention around him/her] Wallace doesn't really have any secrets - he's pretty much an open book, so anything listed in his app is fair game.
[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] Wallace looks basically like his icons. He's relatively attractive of average height and weight for a boy his age. He keeps careful control to make sure he doesn't get acne or anything unsightly like that, and while he will hit on almost every guy he sees and is queer as a $3 bill he is not really flamboyant (Kurt from Glee he is not). When not in uniform he dresses nicely though not over the top. Could be mistaken for metrosexual if he wasn't flagrantly hitting on every single guy he met.
[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] Just ask first, chances are I'll be okay with it.
[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] God please do, but be aware that he will do it right back.
[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] Wallace prefers to run rather than fight and he is VERY GOOD AT THAT, though just ping me to plot and we can work something out!
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] Go right ahead, he's a touchy-feely kinda guy.
[Anything else?] He has a drinking problem. If you're a student who is at all popular enough to ever be invited to a party ever, you probably know this.


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