Oh, The Bowie, why doth you maketh mine heart flutter so?
A few nights ago, I had a dream about The Bo. It was pretty much awesome. It started off at school, and we were taken out of class to go down to the football field to see The Bowie perform for us. He rocked. No big surprise there. Well, after that, I guess we got to go home, because I was suddenly in this apartment with rather dim lighting. Everything looked golden. My mom and my cousin were there, too. So, I'm walking around or something, and hear a knock at the door. I go to open it and guess who's there? The Bowie! The Bowie is standing in my doorway. He then proceeds to nearly collapse in my doorway (the show must have taken a lot out of him because you could tell by his face [and his collapsing] he was exhausted). I kind of caught him (as best I could) and helped him/dragged him to the couch. Somehow I ended up sitting on his legs and we talked and he was laughing (probably at me). Then I remembered that my mom was there and she was watching us, so I got off his legs and was like, "Um...I need to shut the door. I'll be right back." I shut the door and came back, and sat down on the floor by his head. We talked for like....ever...and somehow ended up holding hands. I also remember looking over at my cousin, who gave me a death glare because she was so obviously jealous that The Bowie wanted to hold my hand and not hers. Oh! And this Bowie was kind of a cross between
Striped Outfit Ziggy and
Long Haired Mod Bowie. But with the dim lighting, his hair was that
pineapple color from the Serious Moonlight era. xD
So I had this dream last night...my friends and I were superheroes in training, apparently. I think this stemmed from a conversation I had earlier that evening about The Bo having superpowers...and how he was gonna rule the world universe one day. Anyway, back to the dream. So we're driving out to this...place...(we're in four cars, I think, maybe three) and I'm riding with Shields, and I think all the cars ran out of gas at the same time. Lucky us. Well, we stop at this elementary school to get gas (because that makes so much sense). Apparently it was a Catholic elementary school, because there were nuns everywhere. We were trying to sneak past the nuns. All the kids stared at us, but it seemed the nuns were rather oblivious. The cafeteria ladies were nice and gave us these giant bottle-type containers full of gasoline. So we're carrying them out to the cars, and someone drops one, and it makes this awful "boom!" type noise and explodes. Then we all sort of ran and got in the cars and drove off. The next thing I know, we're at the place, and we're training, and it's rather difficult and kind of video game-like. But there was a shark and it really freaked me out. And that's all I remember. Oh yeah, and everyone thought I liked Shields. This is the second dream I've had where people think I like him. Well, I don't. I love him as a friend, but that's it. Hmm.