So... all good things come to an end, eh? I was going to have my annual ' Party in Zelos' bed ' like I've done for the past three years here... x3; BUT, YOUR GREAT ZELOS IS VERY TIRED AND CAN'T KEEP UP WITH HIS SEXY HUNNIES PRESENTLY!
So sorry. D:
I wonder how many places I can visit before returning home. >>; Man, I'd agree to a trip around the world, anything to not go home.
Except for laborous work. I'd go home if it meant I didn't have to do anything too.. I dunno.. sweaty. >>;;; I don't like to sweat, even though my body gets all shiny and manly. :D
But then again, I don't care at the moment. x3;
He... He's graduating, huh?
Kinda makes me sad.
'Dunno why, but it does.
[of course he's talking about Regal. x3; ]