i wish i had more to journal these days, but life is calm, and therefore not much of interest exists to document in detail.
- our taxes should be non-stressful this year, thank goodness.
- danny worked on our housing loan application today, so that might get turned in this week.
- i've been cooking a lot more and enjoying it. i made a great beef stew, and i'm loving my soft pretzel recipe.
- the treadmill continues to be fantastic.
- lara is still losing weight and becoming more active and energetic and youthful, which is great to watch.
- work, while not perfect, continues to advance my knowledge base, and i am truly appreciate by at least half my clients, which is a blessing i need to focus on more.
neither of us are really *into* valentine's day so this sunday isn't going to be a huge pile of mushygushy or anything. i was all for playing video games all day/night but colin and takahiro suggested a double date at a fantastic japanese restaurant, so that's 90% likely to happen.
life is just, well, progressing. i'm sure it will get crazy this summer so i'm trying to enjoy the quiet.
love kittie