i finally made my Etsy shop!
www.etsy.com/shop/kittiewinks11 i don't have much up right now because most of my art stuff is still packed away, including pieces i've already made. but, i'm hoping this etsy shop acts as the kick in the pants i need to move so many of my good ideas from the planning stage to the creation stage!
i'm not expecting to sell things right off the bat, seeing as how Etsy has over 3 million postings... or is it 30 million?... anyhoo, i'm hoping once i get 5-6 items in my shop, i can consider featuring something, or advertising somehow.
my first piece up is my oceanic necklace featuring an octopus! although, in my opinion, the octopus looks a lot like a cthulu trying to pass as an octopus. that's why i made it! i'm not pushing my store or selling my stuff, but i do like sharing things i make with other people, because that's what creativity is all about! you can click
here to see mr. octothulu, should you be curious. (oh and i apologize for the crappy pictures, i can't find my digital camera so i had to use my phone. still, better some picture than no picture!)
i have so many ideas for things to create... sometimes i wished i lived closer to a good craft store.
love kittie