steve jobs has cancer, and slew of related health issues.
he stepped down from leading apple today. it's a pretty big deal. the move is temporary, and he said something about june 2009 as a return date, but if he's sick enough to step down for even a month... well, who knows what summer will actually bring.
i honestly think apple could continue to do amazing things without steve jobs, provided the key people stuck to his vision long enough to keep current customers happy before trying new things to attract a new crowd. it might not be what apple has been, and is today, but it could still be awesome.
not many people like steve jobs. he's an ass and he doesn't care what you think of him, or he thinks of you. i don't think you have to be like that to do what he's done, but it seems to help... it's also just who, and how, he is. you don't have to be "nice" to leave the world a little bit dimmer when you depart it.
love kittie