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Apr 17, 2008 11:46

i just finished putting together a writing portfolio for the interview tomorrow. despite the wide variety of jobs i've had, i've never actually had to present a portfolio upon meeting a potential employer before. so, i'm really not sure what should go into the portfolio. i have 2 things from smoothjazz, 1 from core freedom and 3 from slapptastic/anthroscape - i opted for a variety of writing samples, from interview to stock letter to review. i also threw in an example of writing in spanish... not sure why, but it seemed like a good thing to tack on.

i debated over whether or not to put a personal piece of writing in there, like a short story, to show i can be creative. but, it's a business portfolio, so i figure short stories don't really have that much relevance. also, i'm trying to keep the portfolio under 10 pages. if it's something she'll flip through at our first meeting, i don't want her to be burdened with a novel.

i never felt connected to the change of the seasons in monterey, but here in marin they impact me quite strongly. i'm actually reminded that, as a child, the seasons worked on me heavily as well. spring is bounding out in full force here. it's warm, green and everything just looks/smells/feels so... vibrant. it makes me want to go outside, move around, and channel energy; i've definitely been receiving a LOT of energy lately, but i'm acting as a dam, holding it all back. it needs to be released in a positive atmosphere/direction. i actually have a goal for that energy... i should go read up on it...

oh, and because it's totally noteworthy -- on tuesday night Aftershock downed lady vashj again, and kittyrumrums won her T5 helm! and last night, in between killing the first 2 bosses in Mt. Hyjal, kittyrumrums' main hand weapon actually dropped! it's the best weapon she can get until the 2nd boss in the black temple. so, kitty is now in 4 pieces of T5, with maxed out weaponry. she's truly epix. ^_^

love kittie

wow, spring, energy, portfolio, work, interview, aftershock, seasons, writing

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