LOG: Yukimura-Saeki

May 05, 2007 18:31

LOG: Yukimura-Saeki. Crack. *_*

Saeki: *rests fishing rod on his shoulder* Have you been fishing before?

Yukimura: *drops fishing rod repeatedy* A, ahh, a few times -- why?

Saeki: I've done it a few times in Chiba but mainly we dig for clams. *grins and climbs on the small delapidated jetty over the lake*

Yukimura: *waits for Saeki's back to be turned away before bashing the rod against a pole a few times* Clams? I don't think I've done that before either...

Saeki: Kanagawa isn't a beach. *unpacks stuff at the end of jetty*

Yukimura: I know. I live there. *walks along jetty* ...do we use worms?

Saeki: Yep. *opens tin and glances up to gauge Yukimura's reaction*

Yukimura: *bends forward and pokes his finger into the tin, picking one up* It's moving.

Saeki: Live bait.

Yukimura: *drops it on Saeki's head* Save it for Shishifishie.

Saeki: YUKI- *shakes head over side of jetty and the worm plops into the water*

Yukimura: *chuckles and sits down, pulling the tin towards him and continues poking* Yes?

Saeki: *stares and laughs* Did you just say Shishifishie?

Yukimura: Will you hurt me if I say yes? *grins slyly*

Saeki: Nah, you get special leeway, you know that.

Yukimura: This is true. *picks out a worm and looks at it intently* I think its looking at me...

Saeki: Don't get attached to it, you're going to feed it to a fish.

Yukimura: But its looking at me... *is in a trance* We can't use her.

Saeki: Her?!

Yukimura: Clair.

Saeki: You named it. I can't believe you named the worm. Now we definitely can't use it. *takes a new worm and puts it quickly with hook*

Yukimura: *is horrified and tackles Saeki, staring forlornly at the hooked, squirming fish*. You killed Florence.

Saeki: *gazes at the sky in despair* You can't name the whole tin.

Yukimura: I name the rest Shishido. *holds them protectively*

Saeki: *pushes Yukimura off and points at the tin in his arms* THAT'S CHEATING.

Yukimura: You're trying to kill your lover. I want allow it! *tips tin upside down*

Saeki: They'll just get eaten in the lake anyway!

Saeki: And Shishido isn't a worm!

Yukimura: I bet it's the size of a worm...

Saeki: Are you serious?

Yukimura: ...*glances at Saeki* What do you think?

Saeki: Even Atobe's admitted Shishido's the most impressive of their team.

Yukimura: ... I really don't want to know. *gapes*

Saeki: We have no worms to fish with. Do you think they'll go for empty hooks?

Yukimura: We can use fish as bait?

Saeki: Okay-- *begins the fishing and relaxes* How've you been anyway?

Yukimura: *watches Saeki as he starts, trying to copy him* You know me. I'm only happy when I'm making people squirm and uncomfortable.

Saeki: Hah, so been enough of that?

Yukimura: *shrugs* I fell asleep on a straight almost homophobic guy today...?

Saeki: ...That sounds pretty uncomfortable. *jiggles fishing rod and grins*

Yukimura: Not for me. *chirply* And you?

Saeki: I lost a doubles match yesterday against the Golden Pair.

Yukimura: Oh? Who was your partner? *shakes rod, frowning*

Saeki: Shishido.

Yukimura: Hm. You both haven't been playing together long. *smiles gently* The Golden pair are apparently National level.

Saeki: Shishido and I have played at Nationals!.... But you're right, we're a new pair.

Yukimura: You haven't played together at Nationals, as doubles. *uses Buchou tone* There is a difference.

Saeki: *doesn't understand Buchou Tones. Had an ADHD first year for buchou* We'll just practise more. Has Rikkai played yet? *dips rod into lake more*

Yukimura: Good. You are both great players. *swings rod around a bit* A few games. Mainly just drills and ball machines, weights... You know, that type of stuff.

Saeki: You know, if we make national level again in high school, we could be good enough to go pro....

Saeki: *suddenly spots Yukimura's rod jerking* You've got one!!

Yukimura: *freaks out and lets go of rod in shock*

Saeki: *lunges forward and catches it* Don't let go!

Yukimura: *grips it again, biting his lip as he reels it in.....or attempts to*

Saeki: That's good, brilliant! *way too excited* GET IT!

Yukimura: *ADFJKGFD!*.... This. Thing. Must. Be. Huge. *FISH surfaces.* ...

Saeki: O.O That's not a fish, it's a MONSTER fish. Wicked!

Fish: RAWR. *thrashes*

Yukimura: ......................... I name this monster fish... GOLDIE!

Saeki: *looks at Yukimura strangely, then get distracted by needing to help reel in the monster*

Yukimura: *tugs at the monster fish* S-Saeki. Are you sure this is a fish??

Saeki: Um..

Yukimura: ...Saeki? *is frightened*

Saeki: We'll let unhook it straight away in case it eats us.

Yukimura: ...I'm not touching her.

Saeki: asklgfljkhsd Stop giving them names and genders!

Yukimura: *absently*...She is oddly pretty though...

Saeki: *hauls shark fish onto jetty* Wow.

Yukimura: *pokes it*

Fish: >O *tries to bite*

Saeki: *unhooks and gets thwaped* Ow!

Yukimura: ...Is she related to Bob? *nurses finger*

Saeki: Maybe. *shoves fish back into lake*

Fish: *evil look as it goes*

Yukimura: SAEKI!!!!

Yukimura: *mourns loss*

Yukimura: We could have controlled it and fed it anf stuff

Saeki: I don't think you're cut out for fishing, Yukimura. You just want to make them pets.

Yukimura: .. They have expressive eyes. Would you eat me if you caught me? *pouts*

Saeki: ...You're not a fish.

Yukimura: I have expressive eyes.

Saeki: You've won so far anyway. You caught a fish and it was huge!

Yukimura: I love your way of changing from awkward subjects. I wonder if Shishido will learn that from you? *smiles* This is why we get on well.

Saeki: Huh, you see through my technique. *smiles*

Yukimura: Haven't I always? *winks and throws a handful of worms at Saeki*

Saeki: *topples off the end of the jetty*

Yukimura: ...

Yukimura: *bursts out laughing*

Yukimura: Watch out for Goldie!

Saeki: *panics and looks down at the water in fear*

Yukimura: *leans over jetty and offers his hand*

Yukimura: *sees fins*


Saeki: Oh my god. *grabs for Yukimura's hand*

Yukimura: *asdfghjkl;* Don't kick your legs. *sees the WHITES of Goldies eyes* *tuuuuuugs*

Saeki: *looks over his shoulder and sees Goldie's jaw open wide* *splashes madly and hauls on Yukimura's arm*

Yukimura: *tugs Saeki to safely!*

Yukimura: ...

Yukimura: are you missing any body parts?

Yukimura: *paws at him*

Saeki: *dripping wet* I'm in one piece. *looks back over the side and spots Goldie circling and looking angry*

Yukimura: *finds Saeki to be all attached and not bleeding* I don't think I like fishing anymore.

Saeki: *whips back around to look at Yukimura* Aw, no! It's not usually this risky.

Yukimura: ...We just got attacked. *pointly*

Saeki: That's unusual. *shakes wet hair and grins*

Yukimura: ...You enjoyed it, didn't it? *flatly*

Saeki: It was wicked. *dumps soaked jacket on Yukimura's head*

Yukimura: *is wet* Saeki...

Yukimura: *shoves him back in the water*

Saeki: *goes under and resurfaces* There's a killer fish in here!!

Yukimura: Swin fast. *throws in worms and watches*

Saeki: YOU- *swims fast past the jetty to the shore*

Yukimura: *falls about laughing, almost choking*

Saeki: *runs out of the lake with Goldie thrashing at his feet*

Saeki: *stands and pants for a minute, then narrows eyes at Yukimura and marches over*

Yukimura: *is too busy laughing, holding his stomach*

Saeki: *picks up fishing rod and wraps line around Yukimura quickly and tightly* Let's see you laugh now.

Yukimura: ... *flails and chokes on his indigant splutterings* S-saeki!!!

Saeki: I win, I caught the biggest.

Yukimura: asdfghjkl!!!!!

Yukimura: *glaaares*

Saeki: It's getting dark. *starts packing up* Let's hope Goldie doesn't have a gang and tries eating away the jetty.

Yukimura: .... Why

Yukimura: ?

Saeki: *glances through wet hair* You'll be fishbait.

Yukimura: ... Saeki. I'll eat you. Let me out. *squirms*

Saeki: Now that's hardly an incentive for me to untie you.

Yukimura: *rolls about and gets onto knnes* HA! *chases Saeki on his knees....slowky*

Saeki: *picks up stuff and watches, amused* Do I have to tie your feet too?

Yukimura: *glowers* I'll tell Shishido you... tried to kill worms.

Saeki: That'll stop me. *taps own fishing rod on Yukimura's head*

Yukimura: Kojiiroooooh. *pleads and shuffles*

Saeki: *pauses* I guess you are fragile and wouldn't survive the night.

Yukimura: I might get a cold. *uses very expressive eyes*

Saeki: *tries to look unmoveable* *sighs and unties*

Yukimura: *waits to be untied before standing properly, glares half heartedly at Saeki* ...Why is it only you and Renji who can do that?

Saeki: Pwn you? *rests fishing rod on his shoulder again* I guess for the same reason I give you leeway.

Yukimura: *dusts off pants* Hn. Probably. *slight grin* Planning on sharing your pwning prowess with Shishido?

Saeki: *smacks Yukimura's shoulder* You're so wrong. Come on.

Yukimura: So feisty, I'm almost jealous. *leads the way OFF the jetty of Doom.* ... *points at a sign.* Does that say something about fish..?!

Saeki: Oh... *cracks up* No fishing because these waters contain flesh-eaters.

Yukimura: ... Heh. *shivers* Lets go before it learns to walk.

Saeki: *notices* YOU'RE shivering?! I'm all wet!

Yukimura: And who is thats faul-- Oh. Right.

Saeki: Exactly, I'll be on the bus like this.

Yukimura: ...>D I'll keep you warm. *grins*

Saeki: ...Hah. You'll be on the bus for a lot longer after I get off.

Yukimura: And?

Saeki: You'd be all damp. *reaches bus stop and leans against wall*

Yukimura: *pats Saeki's head* Save your excuses.

Saeki: Excuses? *grins*

Yukimura: Excuses. *smiles*

Saeki: *looks at Yukimura thoughtfully* What would you do if Yanagi had an ex he'd been in love with and he came back to "be good friends"?

Yukimura: *blinks, taken aback* Uh, where did that come from?

Saeki: Sorry. I don't have many people to ask and it popped into my head. *spots bus coming and waves it down*

Yukimura: *shakes head but smiles* No, no. It's okay. I just misunderstood -- I would be extremely jealous and Renji would be very aware about it.

Saeki: Things are good with you guys?

Yukimura: Mmhmm. *looks away and smiles to himself* Yes. Yes they are.

Saeki: *watches him and grins* *bus pulls up and he waves Yukimura on* The least you can do is pay for my fare after getting me wet and I might get kicked off.

Yukimura: *rolls eyes but pays for them both, adding a nice tip* Come on, darling Saeki.

Saeki: *gets the front double seat on the left upstairs because that's the best*

Yukimura: *sits and rests head on the back of the seat* What a day!

Saeki: What? You weren't almost eaten by a 4ft pirana.

Yukimura: Don't be a bitch about Goldie. She was hungry. She has good taste

Saeki: *slumps in seat* Tell Yanagi that you aren't ever allowed to have animals.

Saeki: Speaking of, how are the kids? >D

Yukimura: *ignores the first bit* I'm trying to set Koharu up with a nice straight boy, hopefully she'll leave Shishido alone. Torajirou is quiet and normal as ever. He takes after me.

Saeki: Quiet and normal. *pretends to almost fall off seat*

Yukimura: *slaps Saeki on the back of the head*

Saeki: You're so abusive, I don't know how Yanagi copes.

Yukimura: He enjoys it but don't tell him I said that. *absently plays with Saeki's wet hair* So, why'd you ask what you did before?

Saeki: Hah, I'm obvious. And need a shower when I get in. I had fun fishing, thanks. You help me out a lot.

Yukimura: Not really. I'm just more obsevent than people give me credit for. Now stop avoiding, Saeki.

Saeki: You're right about the observant thing- *grabs bus pole and dings bell* But this is my stop. *grins* I'll speak to you online, don't get in any trouble.

Yukimura: H-hey! *shouts and frowns, shaking his head*

Saeki: *wrings jacket over Yukimura's head before running off the bus*

Yukimura: ... *is wet and sighs, plotting revenge*

Saeki: *You wish.*

Yukimura: *naked Saeki in a squid tank 101 TBA*

Saeki: *Squid ;_;*

Yukimura: *>D*
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