LOG: Saeki/Shishido

May 04, 2007 00:33

LOG: Saeki/Shishido. Regarding recent events.

Saeki:: *sets Shishido's textbook neatly on the table and hovers, waiting*

Shishido: *knock knock knock*

Saeki: *goes and opens door wide* No one tried to molest you on the way?

Shishido: *looks at him skeptically* Do I look like I was molested?

Saeki: I found your textbook. *heads inside*

Shishido: *follows him inside* Why? Was it lost in your room or something?

Saeki: I mean I just- *picks it up and pushes it at Shishido* There.

Shishido: *frowns and takes it* Are you expecting me to say something?

Saeki: What?

Shishido: *flips the book open and then slams it shut* I don't know! *stares at the book* Don't act lame.

Saeki: Do you want a drink?

Shishido: Do you still have lemonade?

Saeki: In cartons.

Shishido: Then I'll have some of that.

Saeki: *kitchens it* *offers with a FLOURISH* Chitose is around.

Shishido: *frowns* Really? *lowers his voice so maybe Chitose won't hear he's there* Lame.

Saeki: *watches him* Does it matter?

Shishido: I don't feel like talking to him.

Saeki: He probably doesn't feel like talking to you.

Shishido: ...well. FINE then. *takes a sip of his lemonade*

Saeki: *folds arms and leans against counter*

Shishido: *looks up at him and continues drinking his lemonade slowly and acting like he's just SO thirsty*

Saeki: Don't do that.

Shishido: *lowers it* Do what?

Saeki: Drink it like- Do you want to dump your bag and go for a walk?

Shishido: A walk around the block or something?

Saeki: Sure.

Shishido: *sets his glass down and drops his bag* Yeah, sounds good to me.

Saeki: *resists grabbing Shishido's wrist and dragging him out* *Instead goes to door and opens it*

Shishido: *zips his sweatshirt up and follows after him, grabbing Saeki's wrist on the way past him* Close the door behind you.

Saeki: *kicks door shut and pulls wrist away* You're going to write the Sex Ed essay alone?

Shishido: ... *shoves his hands in his pockets* Atobe was giving me a hard time about copying yours.

Saeki: *walks alongside down the road* I copied your math before.

Shishido: He called me Tachibana. *shrugs*

Saeki: Okay... I still owe you one.

Shishido: It's fine. It doesn't take me long to do them.

Saeki: I said to Chitose we might go talk in the park. Want to?

Shishido: Why? Is he going to meet us there?

Saeki: I suggested it to get out of the apartment.

Shishido: Is this going to be a lame talk?

Saeki: *stops walking* I will walk you home right now if you don't want to be here.

Shishido: *turns around and shakes his head* No it's fine!

Saeki: Good because I wasn't going to let you go.

Shishido: *takes a deep breath* Then why'd you offer?

Saeki: *walks to the park* Come on.

Shishido: *sees the slide and climbing structure come into view* Normal talking is fine.

Saeki: We normal talk? *pushes gate open and zips to the swings*

Shishido: Well ye--hmph. *groans and jogs after him*

Saeki: *sits and swings* All the kids are home by now since it's getting dark,

Shishido: *stands next to the swings, leaning up against the pole* Obviously. Who goes to the park this late?

Saeki: Us.

Shishido: We don't count. We're here now.

Saeki: Take a swing.

Shishido: *walks over and sits on the swing* All right.

Saeki: Have you ever been electrocuted?

Shishido: No. *looks over at him* I meant to ask you about that.

Saeki: It was mild, I mean more like, had a complete shock out of no where?

Shishido: *pushes his feet through the sand* Maybe after walking on a shaggy carpet.

Saeki: ...

Saeki: *leans back, keeping hold of swing chains and laughs*

Shishido: *looks over at him* Yes.

Saeki: You're just friends and eating cheese sandwiches?

Shishido: *cringes* We just played tennis and ate sandwiches.

Saeki: *swings and kicks at sand* Hm.

Shishido: What? Don't be lame!

Saeki: *stands up* That's not fair.

Shishido: What's not fair? *glares at him and crosses his arms* You think I'm just going to skip back to him or something?

Saeki: You think he can turn up again and play tennis and make you cheese sandwiches and I'll chuckle warmly throughout?

Shishido: ...that's all he's doing though.

Shishido: And writing fanfiction.

Shishido: Which is kind of lame. But we can pretend he's not doing that.

Saeki: Why pretend?

Shishido: Because it's pretty lame.

Saeki: Are you okay?

Shishido: Yeah, why wouldn't I be? How about you?

Saeki: I didn't think he'd come back and still have a grudge.

Shishido: You guys could be friends?

Saeki: *steps away from swings and points* I could be a lot lamer.

Shishido: No you--wait what? Why?

Saeki: He said he hates me, twice. You saw that?

Shishido: Twice? Haha. No I think I missed the second one.

Saeki: He said he'd cut me, which is funny but still-- And you say we could be friends.

Shishido: *kicks Saeki's empty swing* Fine! You don't have to be friends!

Saeki: But you're going to be friends.

Shishido: What do you want me to do?

Saeki: I trust you.

Shishido: Really?

Saeki: *cracks up* No. This is all rubbish.

Shishido: *almost falls off his swing but grabs onto the chain* Wait you don't?!

Saeki: *moves and grabs Shishido's swing chain over the top of his hands, holding him there* I'm not going to make it pretty for you. I'm not risking that. I'm not risking anything.

Shishido: *holds himself up and looks at him* Yeah but I said we were just going to be friends.

Saeki: Exactly, you're already caving.

Shishido: No I'm not! I said I just wanted to be friends! I'm not CAVING.

Saeki: *leans in close* What does that mean?

Shishido: What does what mean? Friends? Exactly what I said!

Saeki: You're like a brick wall.

Shishido: I know! So you have nothing to worry about!

Saeki: That's not- *drops chains and steps away*

Shishido: *falls over backwards onto the sand* HEY-- *stands up on his knees* Asshole!

Saeki: You don't preempt stuff. You don't seem to realise and you even encourage it, leave openings, and you're so predictable in a lot of ways.

Shishido: *leans his arms on the swing* I only encouraged him wanting to be friends again.

Saeki: You encouraged me sometimes eight months ago.

Shishido: I did? *sinks down slightly*

Saeki: *kneels and clenches a handful of sand and goes over to drop it over Shishido's head*

Shishido: *glares up at him* DON'T EVEN DO IT.

Saeki: *waggles fist* Then listen.

Shishido: *bats Saeki's fist* I have been listening!

Saeki: Have you?

Shishido: *nods and stands up* Yeah.

Saeki: *stares at him, still holding fist of sand out pointlessly* I've only ever wanted you.

Saeki: You can't say the same. *opens hand and lets go of sand*

Shishido: That's not my fault though. *looks down at his hand* Though it was also a little while ago.

Saeki: *drops down and draws a finger through the sand, writing both their names*

Shishido: *looks down* You're so-- *rethinks this and holds back at the last second* Don't worry, okay?

Saeki: *glances up* Man, I think I'm starting to understand those stupid hooligan kids who write their names all over stuff- desks, walls, subways and things.

Shishido: I didn't know people actually did that kind of thing.

Saeki: Hyoutei brat.

Shishido: Don't call me that. You're one too.

Saeki: ... *looks at sand letters*

Shishido: *slumps down on the ground on top of their names* Stop being lame.

Saeki: Your trainer is digging into my name.

Shishido: *scoots back on his knees* Not anymore.

Saeki: *thumps at sand* It doesn't matter anyway.

Shishido: I could write it back? *starts tracing his name back*

Saeki: *grabs Shishido's wrist* Don't encourage me. *pulls his own trainer off and smudges the letters*

Saeki: We don't need it and I'm best barefoot.

Shishido: *freezes and looks up at him* Don't--what? *frowns* Saeki.

Saeki: *looks at him and widens eyes* No, no. I mean- *slides hand over Shishido's* I'm happiest barefoot, like at the beach in Chiba.

Saeki: *leans closer* But I'm always barefoot with you, if that makes sense.

Shishido: Haha...no not really. But that's all right.

Saeki: *starts laughing* I- hmm. We have too much stash at home and I've been worried. *balances trainer on Shishido's head*

Shishido: What do you mean? *pulls the trainer onto his lap*

Saeki: *takes trainer and rebalances* Chitose and I have over-indulged, but that's your fault. You're still the sea to my shore or something. The penguin to my albatross.

Shishido: *shakes his head* You're not making any sense!

Saeki: I'm scared now he's back.

Shishido: Well stop! *pushes the trainer off his head again*

Saeki: *takes trainer and puts it back on* Okay.

Shishido: I'm-- *pushes the sand around* I'm not going to break up with you for him.

Saeki: If you did...

Shishido: I just told you I wasn't going to!

Shishido: I really like being with you. Though you're not going to make me say anything lame and sappy.

Saeki: *stands up and offers hand* Stay over and let's forget about it.

Shishido: Are you going to?

Saeki: Make me forget.

Shishido: ... *takes his hand, standing up and kissing him quickly*

Saeki: *takes a sharp breath and tightens fingers around Shishido's hand*

Saeki: I'll make you any sandwich you like.

Shishido: *smirks and wraps an arm around Saeki* Cheese sandwiches. No marmite. Lettuce and tomato.

Saeki: Tomato. *makes a face on purpose and presses a hand to the small of Shishido's back* I'll see what I can do.

Shishido: *stays the night and forgets to write his essay*

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