LOG: Saeki/Shishido.

Apr 06, 2007 04:59

LOG: Saeki/Shishido. NC-17 naturally. You weren't there unless you were the teacher, random boy, or Oshitari.

Saeki: *Gets lost in Hyoutei corridors AGAIN, and gets to class late and falls through the door*

Shishido: *despite also being new to the building, managed to find his way just find to class and sits in the back row in the 'S' section when arranged alphabetically*

Saeki: *bows and apologises repeatedly to the sensei and gets pointed to the back*

Saeki: *spots Shishido and smiles 1000 watt smile*

Shishido: *points to the empty desk next to him with an overly exaggerated face to ask a question witohut saying anything*

Saeki: *sits down and gets his books out, not actually looking at anything other than Shishido and spilling pens everywhere* Hey.

Shishido: *frowns and brings his finger up to his lips* Shh! *loud whisper* Do you WANT us to get in trouble?

Saeki: I've been getting in trouble in all my classes. *grins and drops a ruler*

Shishido: *looks down at the ruler and picks it up* Nice job.

Saeki: *reaches out for it and touches Shishido's hand* I'm glad I've got a class with you.

Shishido: *blushes slightly and twists his wrist to put the ruler in Saeki's hand* It's just one class.

Saeki: Math. You any good? *slides fingers across Shishido's wrist*

Shishido: *shrugs* I don't know. It's math. I'm okay.

Teacher: *heaves a crumpled up piece of paper to the back* STOP TALKING! I'M EXPLAINING MATRICES!!!

Saeki: *reluctantly lets go and puts his ruler on his desk*

Saeki: *under his breath* I hate math. *winks*

Shishido: *brushes the paper ball off his desk* I hate the teacher.

Saeki: *watches the teacher go crazy writing on the blackboard at top speed* He just needs some brownies.

Shishido: *frowns* Yeah right. He'd probably kick you out and not let you learn math.

Saeki: He'd be too relaxed for that. *sticks a pencil through his protractor and spins it*


Shishido: *reaches out and grabs the protractor*

Saeki: *reaches out and tries to grab it back*

Saeki: Definitely needs brownies.

Shishido: *holds it out of his reach and leans on his hand, elbow on the desk* That was YOUR fault.

Saeki: *pauses*

Saeki: *puts his hand up* Sensei, he's stolen my math utensil.

Shishido: O.O!


Saeki: ^_^

Shishido: *shoves the protractor back to Saeki as the teacher glares at him* Lameass.

Saeki: *cradles protractor and when the teacher's back is turned starts spinning it again*

Shishido: I'm snapping it in half next time. *scowls at Saeki*

Saeki: *smiling* You're so aggressive.

Shishido: And you're so lame. *picks up his pencil and taps the eraser on the desk*

Saeki: Are you going to be my classroom bully?

Shishido: Are you going to be the classroom tattletale?

Saeki: I do it out of love.

Shishido: *frowns and closes his eyes, turning red* What if I got a detention?

Saeki: I'd serve it with you.

Shishido: *opens one eye up* Can you do that?

Saeki: I'd get myself in trouble for it.

Saeki: *leans back on chair, balancing on two back legs*

Shishido: *smirks* That's really lame. *sticks his foot over to kick the chair legs*

Saeki: *clutches desk edge as chair wobbles dangerously* Hey!

Teacher: SILENCE.

Shishido: O.O *grabs his shirt to steady him and tumbles over as well*


Saeki: ...

Saeki: *goes with bucket*

Shishido: *points to the other one* Take the other one too.

Shishido: *grabs two empty ones*

Saeki: *grabs it mutinously* You could take it. *outside the classroom* What's with this punishment anyway? Hyoutei is insane.

Shishido: *starts walking toward the bathroom* I have to fill mine up. *grumbles* It's lame. You just stand in the hall for the rest of the period and hold two full buckets of water.

Saeki: What about math?!

Shishido: ...what ABOUT math? *raises an eyebrow*

Saeki: *follows into the bathroom and hops on a sink edge* Yeah, it shouldn't exist.

Shishido: *turns the faucet up and starts filling up his own bucket* Like I care about a MATRIX.

Saeki: When am I going to use algebra? I don't want to do anything in life that involves that BECAUSE of school now.

Shishido: Never. When am I going to use x-y=z?

Saeki: Never. Unless x = me, y = you, and z = nothing.

Saeki: *smirks and swings legs*

Shishido: Heh. *pushes the faucet off and lifts heavy bucket #1 out and puts it on the floor, replacing it with #2* That was so sappy.

Saeki: I can make algebra fun. Do you reckon the teacher hates us already?

Shishido: Maybe he hates YOU. *turns the sink on and leans up against it*

Saeki: He'll come around. *sticks his foot out and jabs Shishido's leg*

Shishido: *looks down* Are you really going to do that when I have a bucket of water in front of me?

Saeki: Am I supposed to be worried? You're trying to be teacher's pet.

Shishido: WHAT? Teacher's pet? I just didn't want to get in trouble on the first day!

Saeki: You're desperate to please and make a good impression.

Shishido: *grins but speaks through clenched teeth* That's because if you get in trouble, you have to do lame things like this.

Saeki: You'll probably bring in an apple tomorrow, and stay after class to give it to him, and do all your homework at 6pm tonight.

Shishido: *twitches and turns off the sink, picking up the bucket* And what will YOU do?

Saeki: Cry myself to sleep.

Shishido: Where's the part where you go to the nurse's office for a change of clothes?

Saeki: Huh?

Shishido: *smirks and tosses the bucket of water at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Saeki: *asklhfdlhgksk;*


Shishido: Most of it landed in the sink anyway!

Shishido: Heh.

Saeki: *DRIPS* *slowly raises head and glares*

Shishido: Water: *actually all over floor and leaking under door but who is going to correct him? You? HA!*

Shishido: ...hm. That was probably a lame idea now that I think about it.

Saeki: *tackles and hugs, all wet*

Shishido: *lands on the wet floor* LAME! You're getting me all wet!

Saeki: You think so? *grabs other bucket, sitting on him to keep him pinned, and dumps it over his head*

Shishido: ...

Shishido: ...

Shishido: ...

Saeki: Hahaha!

Shishido: *pulls his wet hat off and hits Saeki with it* What the hell?!

Saeki: *catches and tries to pull it away, grinning and hair still dripping* If you didn't expect payback, you're stupid.

Shishido: I thought you tackling me to the ground was payback.

Saeki: That was a free bonus for you.

Saeki: *runs a hand over Shishido's wet collar*

Shishido: Hm. I can see right through your shirt. *grabs Saeki's tie*

Saeki: That's going to make health class awkward.

Shishido: Just put your jacket on over it.

Saeki: *touches Shishido's shirt and keeps him pinned* You too. People will gawp.

Shishido: People will ANYWAY because I'm wet!

Random boy: *opens door* Where the hell is this water--*sees them* Oh shoot! *quickly leaves*

Saeki: ...He probably thinks-

Shishido: Yeah but he's -- *goes to sit up and crashes his head into Saeki's* --ow. Lame. Why does this keep happening?

Saeki: You banging into me? *grins and rubs his forehead* I'm always too close you.

Shishido: That's probably it. *lies back on the ground in the one inch of water, sprawling his arms out*

Saeki: *leans over, hands on his shoulders* And you should learn to stay pinned.

Shishido: I don't like being pinned. *frowns*

Saeki: *hovers his mouth over Shishido's* No?

Shishido: ... *pulls his arms in* I like being in charge.

Saeki: *feathers a laugh over his lips* You're never in charge!

Shishido: *chokes slightly* What? I'm always in charge!

Saeki: *smoothes his hands down over his shoulders and over his chest* Your shirt feels thin in the water.

Shishido: Yours looks thin. *grabs one of Saeki's sleeves tightly, squeezing it so some water drips off*

Saeki: *wraps Shishido's tie around his hand* This is way better than math. *Kisses him lightly*

Shishido: Flooding the boys bathroom and sitting on top of me?

Saeki: Having a water fight and this. *smiles and kisses his nose*

Shishido: *sits up a little, grabbing Saeki's tie and scooting backwards against the door, pulling him along with him* Heh.

Saeki: *curls practically in Shishido's lap and presses him against the wall, stealing another longer kiss*

Shishido: *feels a sense of CONTROL while holding the tie and he lightly pulls on it, kissing Saeki back* It'd be lame if someone else came in.

Saeki: *slides a hand down his arm* I hope not.

Shishido: *hooks his arm around the back of Saeki's neck and draws him closer* It's gross in here.

Saeki: *nuzzles Shishido's cheek and laughs* We're soaked.

Shishido: The whole bathroom is-- *cut short by a sudden banging on the bathroom door* O.O


Saeki: *scrambles backwards onto his ass in the water*

Shishido: *throws his finger up to his lips* Don't. Say. ANYTHING. O.O

Saeki: ...We could say a pipe burst.

Shishido: *gestures over to the window* You seriously have a bad influence on me.

Saeki: *grins and stands up, holding out a hand* A good influence.

Shishido: *stands up, propping his foot up against the door* A lame influence.

Saeki: *unlatches window and climbs up, tumbling outside*

Shishido: *dashes over to the window at WARP SPEED climbing up and out, landing on the ground next to Saeki*

Saeki: Do you think he knew we were in there?

Shishido: ... *leans against the wall, looking up at the window and then back at Saeki* Probably.

Saeki: We'll probably get detention tomorrow. You'll have to buy TWO apples. *leans up against the wall next to him, letting their shoulders touch*

Shishido: *frowns* Lame. *shakes his feet, trying to get the water out*

Saeki: *rubs his arms* It's kind of cold outside, or it might be because you inconsiderately dumped a bucket of water over me.

Shishido: You dumped water on me too! *runs his hand through his hair, making it stick up oddly* So the pipes broke. And we were in there at the time.

Saeki: Were we?

Saeki: Okay, so we have one witness. But he can be taken care of.

Shishido: Taken care of? *raises an eyebrow*

Saeki: I'm only teasing.

Shishido: It's not like we were DOING anything anyway! And he can't prove that the pipes didn't burst based on what he saw!

Saeki: It might be worse if he tells what he saw.

Shishido: We could have been beating each other up.

Saeki: *nudges him* That's right, and I won.

Shishido: Are you kidding me? *turns and pushes him*

Saeki: *grabs his arm* You know that's the way it would go.

Shishido: *grabs Saeki's opposite arm* I could take you!

Saeki: *suddenly reaches up and flicks Shishido's forehead* In your dreams.

Shishido: *reaches up and snatches Saeki's hand* What makes you think I dream about you?

Saeki: *looks at him and smiles* I didn't, but now I do.

Shishido: *turns red and pauses* I don't dream!

Saeki: At all? Everyone dreams. *turns and leans in* I dream about you.

Shishido: You already told me that. *shifts slightly* And you're lame like that.

Saeki: We spend a lot of time together. You've got into my subconscious. *pokes him in the stomach* Your eyelids flutter when you're asleep sometimes, so that means you're dreaming.

Shishido: That's your fault when you always come over. *pulls back a bit when poked* What? You're making that up!

Saeki: I like dreaming about you. I guess I'll just have to see you even more. *loops arms around his waist and tugs* It's true, and you shift around a bit.

Shishido: Why do you watch me when I sleep? *steps forward and wraps his arms low around Saeki's waist*

Saeki: You're gorgeous.

Shishido: Hm. *closes his eyes and smirks* How am I supposed to respond to that?

Saeki: You asked. *tightens his arms for a moment*

Shishido: I know. *opens one eye and glances over his shoulder left and right* And you're soggy and cold.

Saeki: *watches him* Everyone's in class. And I am cold. *pulls him closer*

Shishido: We should go inside.

Saeki: Stand outside the classroom?

Shishido: *frowns* Hm. I'm not THAT cold.

Saeki: Heh. *rubs Shishido's back in small circles* ...By the way, is Oshitari always so...

Shishido: *arching slightly, he leans up against Saeki* So lame?

Shishido: When did you even talk to him?

Saeki: I took the basket of balls into the clubhouse with him. And he pointed at a shower stall and forbid us from ever doing anything in there because he'd already "christened" it with Gakuto and... Yeah.

Shishido: WHAT? He said that?! *frowns* I'm gonna kick his ass.

Saeki: I just remembered coz - after I'd found my voice again- I told him we weren't going to do anything like that at school. And yet here I am trying to make out with you behind the building. >D

Shishido: That's completely different! *scrunches his nose* In the showers? Did he say which one?

Saeki: Er... Actually he pointed at a couple. *draws a line up Shishido's spine through his shirt* And I say trying to make out with you-

Shishido: Lame. A couple. I'll just shower -- *shivers noticably and stumbles into Saeki* I don't like that!

Saeki: *hums and does it back down again*

Shishido: *flails as he shifts and presses Saeki against the wall* Did you just hear me?

Saeki: *runs his finger all the way up again, and his neck, into his hair, and buries his hand* Mmm.

Shishido: *chokes, clearing his throat before gripping Saeki's shoulders tightly, frowning at him* You--! *cuts off the rest of his sentence by firmly pressing his lips against Saeki's*

Saeki: *kisses Shishido back eagerly, tightening his hand in his hair and wrapping his other arm fully around his waist*

Shishido: *loosens his grip and falls against him momentarily before pulling away only long enough to push Saeki's hair out of his face*

Saeki: *takes a breath and pulls Shishido off balance again so he stumbles against him and holds on, needing to crush their mouths back together as quickly as possible*

Shishido: *cups Saeki's cheek with his hand that was lingering from it's recent task of brush hair aside*

Shishido: *pulls away with a frown* This isn't going to be an everyday thing, is it?

Saeki: *hesitates* *opens his mouth to reply and hears a noise above them, and suddenly a cascade of water gets dunked over their heads*

Shishido: *pulls back gasping loudly* HE WAS CHOKING! *flails*

Saeki: *coughs and looks up at Oshitari waggling a bucket out of a window*

Oshitari: *smirk* *drawl* I thought you needed cooling off, since you "don't do that sort of thing at school".

Saeki: *looks back at Shishido* We need to stop doing this by windows.

Shishido: *glares at Oshitari* Hey! You! Don't go doing lame things like that!

Oshitari: *waves* *gets pulled back inside by a hand and the window slams*

Shishido: *turns bright red* THOSE JACKASSES!

Saeki: *wrings out his shirt* Our jackets are still in the classroom and our bags.

Shishido: Oh lame. *shakes his hands off and wipes his face off* LAME.

Saeki: *amused* Shall I walk in front of you to protect your virtue?

Shishido: *takes a deep breath* I don't need that.

Saeki: Good, because you started it, so if you get descended upon by a hoard of screaming girls I'm not saving you.

Shishido: Wait. *pauses* You mean. Like those girls from my health class?

Saeki: Yeah. What kind of a reason is "He's choking!" anyway? Atobe better never choke in those CPR classes.

Shishido: It was the first thing I thought of! *pushes his shoulder* And why bring Atobe up? Shut up about him!

Saeki: It'll be funny picking up balls with him when he gets back. No Kabaji to do it for him.

Shishido: It's not like Kabaji did it for him anyway because Atobe was in CHARGE of who picked up the balls. *points off* Should we go back inside?

Saeki: You really don't want to talk about him. You miss him?

Shishido: Who says I don't want to talk about him. And WHO says I miss hiM?!

Saeki: You said "And why bring Atobe up? Shut up about him." And it's not hard to figure out.

Shishido: YOU'RE the one who has randomly brought him up twice!

Saeki: He'll be back soon. *reaches out and takes Shishido's hand*

Shishido: I don't care. One less spot on the tennis team if he's gone. *looks away from Saeki, still frowning*

Saeki: *looks at him fondly* You're such an idiot.

Shishido: Don't call me an idiot.

Saeki: Okay, baby.

Shishido: *pauses, gawking at him for a moment*

Shishido: Hey!

Shishido: Don't--geez! I told you--LAME.

Saeki: *kisses his cheek* Let's go. I'll protect you from the girls. And guys. And zombies. Chestmonsters. Whatever.

Shishido: I don't need you to protect me! *looks away indignantly but then pauses* Lameasses and my stupid brother?

Saeki: Your dog is scarier than your brother.

Shishido: You're not going to pull your sword on my dog anyway.

Saeki: *looks contemplative*

Shishido: ...he hasn't bitten you for a REALLY long time!

Saeki: *cracks up* I'm teasing. *squeezes his hand*

Shishido: *closes his hand against Saeki's* Not funny.

Saeki: Hyoutei's not bad, but my favourite thing about it is still just you at the moment.

Shishido: School is lame anyway. *opens the door to the school and then drops Saeki's hand*

Saeki: *walks really close to compensate, and THEY STRUT OFF DOWN THE HALLS IN WET SHIRTS as the bell goes*

Shishido: *goes off to beat up Oshitari FIRST*

Saeki: *Goes to their classroom and gives the teacher an apple*

Shishido: *explains how the pipes broke and soaked them*

Saeki: *stuffs his protractor down Shishido's trousers*

Shishido: *whacks Saeki with his TI-83 Plus*

Saeki: *tattles*

Shishido: *gets a detention* ;_;

Saeki: *visits him with extra juice and a bento box*

Shishido: *is pretty sour about the whole thing and shuns it*

Saeki: *footsies under the desk in front of the detention teacher*

Shishido: *has a bad poker face but plays along and even grips Saeki's leg under the table*

Saeki: *generally are bad students who break pipes*

Shishido: *Shishido's mom would be so mad*

Saeki: *Saeki's mom would yell "YUS, fight the system!"*

Shishido: *YAY!*

Saeki: *End average school day.*

Shishido: *very average*

Shishido: *minus the "pipes breaking"*

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