Aug 01, 2005 04:40
Confine me, it's all that I see
Sickness keeps you following me
Keep it inside all that is sharp
Hold it inside all that is dark
I worked a double shift today. It was long. About twice as long as a normal work day. First I had a dream where I shit my pants. I woke up at 10:45, when I was supposed to be there at 11:00. Oops. Takes 18 minutes to get there, and I had just opened my eyes. No biggie, though. It wasn't busy, so nobody cared. During the morning shift, this guy sat near my section that quite possibly had the worst b.o. that I have ever wiffed. Unbelievable. You could smell him from aproximately 25 feet away. No lie. The dude was that bad. You could smell him at all my tables, and it got exponentially worse as you approached. Disgusting. There was also this dude that ordered no salt on the skin on his baked potato. No big deal, I just started to scrape the salt off of his baked potato, but my manager, Mike, stopped me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he barked. When I explained the gentleman's request, he told me that I couldn't "half ass" it like that, because, and get this, because the guy might be (are you ready for this) ALLERGIC to SALT. HOW REDICULOUS!!! I said "He's not allergic to salt, Mike. He would die." Mike responds with "Their are allergies like that!" So our expo, Julio, says "Well, I guess we should throw out his steak!" then turns to me and says real loud so Mike can hear this too "I hope you didn't get him a soda!" "No," I say, "but I guess I should go run and warn him about that beer." I mean, seriously, allergic to salt. Fuckin' retard.
- Manus celer dei -