Apr 09, 2010 02:47
One thing that will never change over the internerdz is the interderdz drama. Do you remember back in 2000, 2001, when we were a little more than grown up kids, jumping into pointless fights over things that were not important at all in video game forums and shit? Well, that generation (ours) has grown old, but still, now that some of us are married with kids and proper jobs, I still see people like that getting into fucked up arguments on the web over nothing. Why do people care so much about their web personas, to the point of waging war against communities (bringing it to other unrelated communities as well), harrassing people's personal pages, and blocking any possibility of civilized conversation outside the forum where the conflict was brought up. I'm not talking about post-adolescents pricks with no lives (like some of us were back in those times where internet forums were the shit, much like ICQ and custom .zzn e-mails), but bearded and bald men, with families and jobs to worry about!
What is born in a forum dies in a forum, that's my golden rule. Why can't it be like this for everyone? What do these people expect from an internet community that's sooo important to them to take everything personally?