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Constructing Spells
A spell has four parts, its range, area of effect, duration, and effect/damage. All of these four parts must be built into a spell for it to work. This is where magic templates come in. Magic templates are used to build the basic form of the spell.
Spell creation is divided into the following steps:
- Decide on what you want the spell to do
- Choose a template based on your magic rank
- Adjust the spell as desired within the limits of the template.
- Name the spell and record it on the spell sheet.
- Roll for success.
When creating a spell, you must choose a template from the ones listed below to form the foundation of your spell. you may pick a any template of a rank equal to or less than the number of ranks in magic you have (as determined by your initial purchase of magic aptitude).
Once you have determined the template you wish to use, you may adjust any of the four parts of the spell by lowering one part to raise another. You may do this in increments determined by the portion of the spell you are modifying (mentioned briefly below).
The range of the spell determines how far away the target may be. Anything out of a spell's range may not be targeted by it. If a spell's range is reduced to 0, it will only have effect on you or someone you touch. Range is modified in increments of 1 meter.
The area of effect of a spell determines the amount of space the spell's effect occupies. Anything not within the area of a spell is unaffected by it. If a spell's area is reduced to 0, it will only have a single target. Area is modified in increments of 1 meter, or an additional 1 target per increment if not designing an area effect spell.
The duration of a spell determines how long the spell effect lasts. Once a spell's duration ends all effects of the spell end with it. The only exception is with damage, once a spell damages you the damage remains until healed. If a spell's duration is reduced to 0, it will last for one second before ending. Duration is modified in increments 30 seconds.
The effect/damage of a spell determines how strong the spell's effect is. This can be the hardest area of a spell to quantify. If a spell's effect/damage is reduced to 0, it will do nothing at all. Damage is modified in increments of 1 stun. Effect is modified in increments determined by the player (with GM approval).
Now that you have adjusted your template, you need to give the spell a name. Any time a character casts a spell that they have created and cast before (i. e. one that is named and on their spell sheet), the casting time is reduced by 5 (minimum of 5). This reduction in casting time is not cumulative with itself.
Spell Templates
Range: 1 meter
Area of Effect: 1 meter
Duration: 30 seconds
Effect: 1 stun/ Rank 1
Casting Time: 5
Range: 2 meters
Area of Effect: 2 meters
Duration: 1 minute
Effect: 2 stun/ Rank 2
Casting Time: 10
Range: 3 meters
Area of Effect: 3 meters
Duration: 1. 5 minutes
Effect: 3 stun/ Rank 3
Casting Time: 15
Range: 4 meters
Area of Effect: 4 meters
Duration: 2 minutes
Effect: 4 stun/ Rank 4
Casting Time: 20
Range: 5 meters
Area of Effect: 5 meters
Duration: 2. 5 minutes
Effect: 5 stun/ Rank 5
Casting Time: 25
Range: 6 meters
Area of Effect: 6 meters
Duration: 3 minutes
Effect: 6 stun/ Rank 6
Casting Time: 30
Range: 7 meters
Area of Effect: 7 meters
Duration: 3. 5 minutes
Effect: 7 stun/ Rank 7
Casting Time: 35
Casting Spells
Once you are done constructing your spell, you must make a practical magic roll. Casting times are given an initiative cost to cast the spell. If you roll a success, the spell goes off without a hitch. A spell failure means your spell fizzles, but no other effect happens. If you fumble the roll, you will have to to deal with additional negative effects. If you get a critical success you gain a spell enhancement for added benefit.
Whenever you cast a spell that takes more initiative than you currently have in a turn, you gain a spell quirk. The GM is given the opportunity to make up any effect they wish. The only stipulation on this is that the effect should not be something more than an annoyance, so dealing damage to the caster is generally not an appropriate effect (but making them take an additional stun damage or two when hit in combat would work). All quirks last for 5 turns. If you end a combat and have a negative initiative value from casting a spell, you also gain a spell quirk, with the result being permanent.
Spell Failure
If, when rolling for spell success, you fumble your roll then the spell as a whole is a failure. In addition, the caster is unable to cast spells for 1 day. The length of time may be adjusted up or down depending on the roll (and GM whim).
Spell Enhancement
Whenever you get a critical success on spell casting you gain a spell enhancement. You are given 5 spell increases to your spell's effect. These may be used to increase any parts of the spell. This increase has no effect on the casting time, just the power of the spell.
Resisting Spells
When being affected by a magical attack you may roll an Occult Endurance test. If you succeed, the effect of the attack is lessened greatly. If the attack is dealing only stun damage, but no wounds, the damage taken is halved. If the damage is purely wounds, with no stun loss involved, the damage is reduced by 1 wound. If the damage taken is a mixture of wounds and stun, the stun portion is negated completely. Ina addition, the non-damaging aspects of the magic are halved in power or duration (GM choice).
Psi Bodies
All psi abilities have 7 levels of ability, called a body. As you become better at focusing your mind you advance to the higher bodies in your psi. It helps to think of the bodies as follows:
- The first body is having just discovered the ability.
- The second body is after a little bit of training.
- The third body is a basic grasp of the ability.
- The fourth body is a higher aptitude with the ability.
- The fifth body is grasping the major implications.
- The sixth body is being highly skilled in the ability.
- The seventh body is total mastery of the ability.
The Abilities
Below are descriptions of the 7 most common psi abilities. The descriptions will tell what the ability does at each body rank and any effects of fumbles and criticals.
Many of these abilities have effects that last longer than a single turn. For every turn over the first that you wish a power to have effect you must make a practical psi roll. The roll is modified by -2% for each turn you maintain the ability, -4% per turn if performing any actions other than concentrating on the ability. The modifier of maintaining an ability can never be increased beyond a -20% penalty. Also note that some abilities have their durations in increments other than turns. When rolling to maintain these abilities use the same method as above, but substitute the correct time interval for turns.
Name: Clairaudience
Description: The ability to hear things further away than normally possible. At higher ranks in this ability you can also hear things normally unhearable by the human ear.
First Body: You may hear up to 1d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it).
Second Body: You may hear up to 2d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it).
Third Body: You may hear up to 3d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it). In addition, you can not only hear far away, but you can also hear things that are normally not audible to the human ear. You can use this power to hear lower or higher wavelengths. You must choose whether you are farhearing or trying to hear the unhearable when using this ability.
Fourth Body: You may hear up to 4d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it). In addition, you can not only hear far away, but you can also hear things that are normally not audible to the human ear. You can use this power to hear lower or higher wavelengths. You must choose whether you are farhearing or trying to hear the unhearable when using this ability.
Fifth Body: You may hear up to 5d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it). In addition, you can not only hear far away, but you can also hear things that are normally not audible to the human ear. You can use this power to hear lower or higher wavelengths. In addition to this, you will understand everything you hear for the entire time you are using this power. You must choose whether you are farhearing or trying to hear the unhearable when using this ability.
Sixth Body: You may hear up to 6d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it). In addition, you can not only hear far away, but you can also hear things that are normally not audible to the human ear. You can use this power to hear lower or higher wavelengths. In addition to this, you will understand everything you hear for the entire time you are using this power. You must choose whether you are farhearing or trying to hear the unhearable when using this ability.
Seventh Body: You may hear up to 7d km away. You will instantly hear everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any hearing related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you hear a deafening explosion in the area, you will be deafened by it). In addition, you can not only hear far away, but you can also hear things that are normally not audible to the human ear. You can use this power to hear lower or higher wavelengths. In addition to this, you will understand everything you hear for the entire time you are using this power. You may now farhear while attempting to hear the unhearable. If you do so, there is an additional -6% penalty to your roll.
Fumble: You have overextended yourself, you hear everything in the area as normal, but are immediately struck deaf for a number of days equal to the distance in kilometers (multiplied by 1. 5 for miles) you listened (1d days if hearing the unhearable).
Critical: In an amazing display of power you double the distance you are able to hear. In addition, you are unaffected by any auditory based effects of anything you hear while doing this. If hearing the unhearable, your normal range of hearing is increased by 1d meters.
Name: Clairvoyance
Description: The ability to see things further away than normally possible. At higher ranks in this ability you can also see things normally unseeable by the naked human eye.
First Body: You may see up to 1d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it).
Second Body: You may see up to 2d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it).
Third Body: You may see up to 3d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it). In addition, you can not only see far away, but you can also see things that are normally not visible to the naked eye. You can use this power to see invisible and see outside of the visible spectrum. You must choose whether you are farseeing or trying to see the unseeable when using this ability.
Fourth Body: You may see up to 4d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it). In addition, you can not only see far away, but you can also see things that are normally not visible to the naked eye. You can use this power to see invisible and see outside of the visible spectrum. You must choose whether you are farseeing or trying to see the unseeable when using this ability.
Fifth Body: You may see up to 5d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it). In addition, you can not only see far away, but you can also see things that are normally not visible to the naked eye. You can use this power to see invisible and see outside of the visible spectrum. You can now use this ability to find object that are hidden from sigh by non-magical, non-psychic means (as in hidden doors and traps). You must choose whether you are farseeing or trying to see the unseeable when using this ability.
Sixth Body: You may see up to 6d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it). In addition, you can not only see far away, but you can also see things that are normally not visible to the naked eye. You can use this power to see invisible and see outside of the visible spectrum. You can now use this ability to find object that are hidden from sigh by non-magical, non-psychic means (as in hidden doors and traps). You must choose whether you are farseeing or trying to see the unseeable when using this ability.
Seventh Body: You may see up to 7d km away. You will instantly see everything within the given area, in all directions. You are subject to any vision related effects of things in this area as if you were at all points in it (i. e. If you witness a blinding light in the area, you will be blinded by it). In addition, you can not only see far away, but you can also see things that are normally not visible to the naked eye. You can use this power to see invisible and see outside of the visible spectrum. You can now use this ability to find object that are hidden from sigh by non-magical, non-psychic means (as in hidden doors and traps). You may now farsee while attempting to see the unseeable. If you do so, there is an additional -6% penalty to your roll.
Fumble: You have overextended yourself, you see everything in the area as normal, but are immediately struck blind for a number of days equal to the distance in kilometers (multiplied by 1. 5 for miles) you viewed (1d days if seeing the unseeable).
Critical: In an amazing display of power you double the distance you are able to see. In addition, you are unaffected by any vision based effects of anything you see while doing this. If seeing the unseeable, your normal range of vision is increased by 1d meters.
Name: Empathy
Description: The power of sensing emotions.
First Body: With a successful roll you can sense the basic, primal emotions that the target is feeling.
Second Body: With a successful roll you can sense the basic, primal emotions that the target is feeling. Gain a +1 bonus to all reaction rolls regarding the target.
Third Body: With a successful roll you can sense the more advanced emotions that the target is feeling. Gain a +1 bonus to all reaction rolls regarding the target.
Fourth Body: With a successful roll you can sense the more advanced emotions that the target is feeling. Gain a +2 bonus to all reaction rolls regarding the target.
Fifth Body: With a successful roll you can sense the more advanced emotions that the target is feeling, as well as a basic idea of the cause of the emotion. Gain a +2 bonus to all reaction rolls regarding the target.
Sixth Body: With a successful roll you can sense the more advanced emotions that the target is feeling, as well as a basic idea of the cause of the emotion. Gain a +3 bonus to all reaction rolls regarding the target.
Seventh Body: With a successful roll you can sense the more advanced emotions that the target is feeling, as well as a basic idea of the cause of the emotion. Gain a +4 bonus to all reaction rolls regarding the target.
Fumble: You caused a psychic backlash. You lose 1d mind points and are subject to whatever emotion was involved.
Critical: You have gained a great deal of insight into the target's emotions. All reaction rolls pertaining to this target will receive a +4 bonus in addition to the regular bonus from this ability.
Name: Mental Bolt
Description: This is the basic psychic attack ability.
First Body: Deal 1d mental damage to any target.
Second Body: Deal 2d mental damage to any target.
Third Body: Deal 3d mental damage to any target.
Fourth Body: Deal 4d mental damage to any target.
Fifth Body: Deal 5d mental damage to any target.
Sixth Body: Deal 6d mental damage to any target.
Seventh Body: Deal 7d mental damage to any target.
Fumble: You were unable to focus your energies, and deal the mental damage to yourself instead of your target.
Critical: You were able to create a more effective attack, double the result of your damage roll when dealing mind damage this turn.
Name: Psi Shield
Description: This psi ability is used for defense against psi attacks.
First Body: Prevent 1d mental damage to yourself.
Second Body: Prevent 2d mental damage to yourself.
Third Body: Prevent 3d mental damage to yourself.
Fourth Body: Prevent 4d mental damage to yourself.
Fifth Body: Prevent 5d mental damage to yourself.
Sixth Body: Prevent 6d mental damage to yourself.
Seventh Body: Prevent 7d mental damage to yourself.
Fumble: A fumble on this roll means you suffer some psychic backlash, taking additional 1d mind damage.
Critical: A critical on this roll means you were able to fortify your mind better than normal. Double the result of your roll when determining how much mind damage you prevent.
Name: Psychokinesis
Description: The ability to move objects with your mind.
First Body: You can move 100 lbs (5 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 3 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner.
Second Body: You can move 200 lbs (10 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 3 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner.
Third Body: You can move 300 lbs (15 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 3 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner. It is now possible to use this to throw things at people. When doing this, your attack suffers a -20 penalty. Anything thrown with psychokinesis is considered to have been thrown by a person with Strength of 15.
Fourth Body: You can move 400 lbs (20 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 3 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner. It is now possible to use this to throw things at people. When doing this, your attack suffers a -20 penalty. Anything thrown with psychokinesis is considered to have been thrown by a person with Strength of 30.
Fifth Body: You can move 600 lbs (30 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 5 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner. It is possible to use this to throw things at people. When doing this, your attack suffers a -20 penalty. Anything thrown with psychokinesis is considered to have been thrown by a person with Strength of 45.
Sixth Body: You can move 800 lbs (40 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 5 meters per turn. You may only move non-living materials in this manner. It is possible to use this to throw things at people. When doing this, your attack suffers a -20 penalty. Anything thrown with psychokinesis is considered to have been thrown by a person with Strength of 60.
Seventh Body: You can move 1000 lbs (60 kg) of weight. Movement rate is at 5 meters per turn. You may now move living beings with this ability. If trying to use this ability to lift or move a living being, they may make a Mental Endurance roll to attempt to fight it. If they succeed the ability has no effect. You may not use this ability to move yourself. It is now possible to use this to throw things at people. When doing this, your attack suffers a -20 penalty. Anything thrown with psychokinesis is considered to have been thrown by a person with Strength of 75.
Fumble: You were unable to maintain your concentration. You drop whatever it is you were trying to lift, dealing 1 wound to it if it was alive, or reducing it's structure by 1d points if it was not alive. If using this ability to throw something, roll on the appropriate fumble table.
Critical: You achieve a moment of extreme mental clarity. Not only does the ability work, it works at double efficiency. You can lift twice as much, move it twice as far in half the time, and can keep it from falling for twice as long. If using this ability to throw something, roll on the appropriate critical hit table.
Name: Telepathy
Description: This is the ability to communicate mentally with another person.
First Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, one other person. All surface thoughts of all people involved in the telepathic communication are able to be read by everyone in the telepathic communication.
Second Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, two other people. All surface thoughts of all people involved in the telepathic communication are able to be read by everyone in the telepathic communication.
Third Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, three other people. All surface thoughts of all people involved, except yourself, in the telepathic communication are able to be read by everyone in the telepathic communication.
Fourth Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, four other people. All surface thoughts of all people involved, except yourself, in the telepathic communication are able to be read by everyone in the telepathic communication.
Fifth Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, five other people.
Sixth Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, six other people.
Seventh Body: You can talk to, and receive responses from, seven other people. You have complete control over who hears what in the mindlink (i. e. which people in the conversation can hear which other people). No one else in the mindlink can block messages from you though, unless they make a telepathy roll.
Fumble: You have inadvertently allowed all intelligent creatures within a 3 meter radius into the telepathic communication. All opponents gain +3 initiative against you from reading your thoughts.
Critical: You are able to strengthen the psychic bond for a short while. The telepathic link may be maintained for an additional turn without the need to reroll. This will not increase the modifier for maintaining the ability.