[New Earth] Character Creation (LONG)

Aug 08, 2008 16:02

So, in an effort to get some feedback on my rpg in progress, I have decided to post the entirety of the rules for the game online. Not all at once, just in chunks here and there. I am looking for critiques, comments, ideas, and whatever other feedback I can get. All of what I am posting here has also been posted to the forums on RPG.net. I will post links to the actual forums pages with the posts I put up here. Out of kindness, i will be using LJ-cuts, since there is a lot of stuff here.

Forum Link

Creation Nodes
Begin by picking one of the 13 following Creation Nodes: RURAL, MILITARY ACADEMY, ENLISTED, UNIVERSITY, BUSINESS, URBAN, STREETS, ENTERTAINMENT, POLITICS, PSIONIC ACADEMY, TEMPLE, or MAGIC UNIVERSITY. The chosen node will determine where your character's history begins. This is not to say that the character was born into this Node, just that his story doesn't really begin until there. The starting node will help determine starting stats, some initial skills, and what the character is capable of achieving.

Once you have determined your Node, look at the description of it below. Find the section of the description marked greater. This is your primary stat. You receive 220 points to spend on your 3 stats of that group. Next look at the major stat. You receive 160 points for this group. The final two groups, listed under the minor label, will each receive 140 points. Once you have allocated stats, you receive skill points. 150 points of skills for your greater, 100 for your major, and 50 to split as you choose among the minor. Next you receive 120 freebie points to be spent as you choose. Freebie points can be spent on stat, non-combat skills, combat skills, or advantages.

After you have gone through and allocated your points as desired, you are given the option to take advantages and disadvantages. You may take as many disadvantages as you choose. You may then use these points to buy advantages.

List of Creation Nodes
Greater: Physical
Major: Occult
Minor: Mental, Social

Greater: Physical
Major: Mental
Minor: Social, Occult

Greater: Physical
Major: Social
Minor: Mental, Occult

Greater: Mental
Major: Occult
Minor: Physical, Social

Greater: Mental
Major: Social
Minor: Physical, Occult

Greater: Mental
Major: Physical
Minor: Social, Occult

Greater: Social
Major: Physical
Minor: Mental, occult

Greater: Social
Major: Occult
Minor: Mental, Physical

Greater: Social
Major: Mental
Minor: Occult, Physical

Greater: Occult
Major: Mental
Minor: Social, Physical

Greater: Occult
Major: Social
Minor: Physical, Mental

Greater: Occult
Major: Physical
Minor: Mental, Social

Physical Stats
* Strength: This stat represents raw physical power. Adjusts: Strength Based Combat Skill Damage.
* Agility: This stat represents your natural speed and reaction time. Adjusts: Agility Based Combat Skill Damage and Initiative.
* Physical Endurance: This stat represents your body's natural stamina. Adjusts: Stun and Healing.

Mental Stats
* Intuition: This stat represents your "street smarts" or wisdom. Your gut feeling and instincts. Adjusts: Initiative.
* Intelligence: This stat is your smarts, pure and simple. Adjusts: Mind Points.
* Mental Endurance: This represents your mind's ability to cope with mental trauma. Adjusts: Mind Points and Mental Recovery.

Social Stats
* Persuasion: Your natural ability to smooth-talk. Adjusts: Extended Reaction.
* Composure: This is your natural ability to cope with social situations. Adjusts: Social Recovery and Reputation Points.
* Appearance: This represents your physical looks. Adjusts: Initial Reaction.

Occult Stats
* Luck: This represents how lucky you are. Adjusts: Survival Roll, Initiative.
* Inner Strength: This stat tries to quantify your chi, soul, etc. Adjusts: Fate Points.
* Occult Endurance: This represents your body's ability to cope with magical forces. Adjusts: Fate Points.

Non-Combat Skills
Physical Skills
* Alacrity
* Athleticism
* Crafts
* Demolitions
* Escape
* Fine Motor Skills
* Fitness
* Hobby
* Muscle Memory
* Stealth
* Survival
* Swimming
* Tracking
* Trade Skills
* Vehicles

Social Skills
* Acting
* Animal Handling
* Charm
* Deceit
* Diplomacy
* Empathy
* Gambling
* Intimidation
* Leadership
* Oratory
* Performance
* Politics
* Social Sciences
* Socialize
* Streetwise

Occult Skills
* Arcana
* Channeling
* Cryptozoology
* Lore
* Meditation
* Mystic
* Piety
* Practical Magic
* Practical Psi
* Protoscience
* Pseudoscience
* Religion
* Theoretical Magic
* Theoretical Psi
* Vatic

Mental Skills
* Academics
* Chemistry
* Computer Sciences
* Earth Sciences
* Engineering
* General Knowledge
* History
* Investigation
* Life Sciences
* Linguistics
* Literacy
* Medicine
* Physics
* Professional Skills
* Space Sciences

Non-Combat Skill Descriptions
This skill represents all aspects of learning. Everything from research to teaching. When using this skill to teach others, On a successful roll, you may raise one skill that you share with another person by 2%. This bonus may not raise the skill higher than your current rating in the skill. A failed roll indicates no effect. A fumble would mean that you did such a poor job teaching that you have given the other person a -5% penalty to all rolls regarding this skill. This penalty may be negated with a successful academics roll. If you gain a critical success you not only raise the subject's skill up by 5% (may not raise it above your own skill level), but you also gain a 2% bonus to that skill. This skill may not be used to teach the same person the same skill more than once a month.

This is the ability to act. This covers acting in movies, in plays, for television, and even acting like someone else for the purpose of disguise. This skill also covers other aspects of acting, such as disguise, voice mimicry, learning behavioral quirks, and skill with observation for the purpose of mimicry.

This is the ability to perform great acts of balance, flexibility, and dexterity. Examples would include tightrope walking, acrobatics, and contortionism.

Animal Handling
This is the ability to train all types of animals. Animal training takes about a month to complete to train the basics, and much longer for more complex training. This skill also covers veterinary medicine and the ability to ride animals for means of transportation or performance.

This is the skill of minor magics. It covers both knowledge and theory of the lesser forms of magic, as well as use of magic to make lesser spells. The use of this skill for performing magic is left up to the GM.

This is the ability to perform great acts of strength, power, and general athletics. Examples would include climbing, heavy lifting, and various sports.

You have trained yourself to gather energy from your surroundings. Success at a channeling skill roll will increase the power of your magic, psi, or miracles by one level for one hour ( two levels with a critical success). You can also channel before a battle, or during the battle with a -30% penalty, to negate all penalties on one of your attack or damage rolls.

This is the ability to impress others. A successful charm roll will adjust a reaction result one step toward a positive result. This skill can also be used to haggle or to fast talk a person.

The science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. This includes inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry.

Computer Sciences
The ability to use, program, maintain, and repair computers. This skill also gives the knowledge on hacking into computer systems.

The skill of doing various arts and crafts. Crafts include such things as weaving, sewing, blowing glass, pottery, and other such forms of creation.

The study of animals which fall outside of standard zoological categories. This generally refers to creatures from ancient myths, legends, and folklore.

The ability to effectively lie, cheat, and steal without getting caught. Can also be used to bribe, counterfeit, forge documents, and limited knowledge of poisons.

This skill confers the ability to successfully deploy explosive devices. It also allows you to disarm or operate explosive devices requiring charges or timers. This skill does not include the use of grenade weapons.

This is the skill of negotiation, and compromise. Diplomacy is also used to quickly learn the social standards of any new culture you encounter.

Earth Sciences
The sciences relating to all things planetary. Some examples of the fields of study this covers are cartography, geology, meteorology, and paleontology.

The ability to understand the feelings of others. This is not the same as the psi ability of the same name. Where the psychic empathy allows one to read emotions like a book, this skill is more along the lines of an intuitive knack for feeling people out.

This is the ability to design and build complex machinery. With this skill, you can improvise a gadget, repair a device, find problems with items, etc. This skill includes electronics, robot/power armor maintenance, and vehicle mechanics.

This skill allows you to free yourself from most forms of bondage. You know how to dislocate your joints and contort your body to escape ropes, handcuffs, shackles, etc.

Fine Motor Skills
The use of this skill allows the character to use their hands for more delicate or tricky operations. Picking pockets, juggling, and playing video games very well all fall under this skill.

This is the ability to perform great acts of fortitude, and stamina. Examples would include running, breath control, and various sports.

This skill is the knowledge of different forms of gambling. You can make a skill roll to try to remember how to play any given game. You can also use this skill for cheating at games, counting cards, using loaded dice, magnets in the roulette wheel, etc.

General Knowledge
A catch-all skill. This covers any form of knowledge or trivia that is not covered by other skills or abilities. Generally any form of knowledge that is not based in scientific or mathematic areas is likely to fall under this skill.

This skill is the knowledge of history, both local and worldwide. This includes major wars, discoveries, and other important events. You may take this skill any number of times, once for each region or planet.

The hobby skill covers any sort of recreational activity that is not otherwise part of any other skill. Building models, playing games, and collecting are some examples of what this may cover.

The natural ability to frighten or intimidate others. This skill also covers interrogation. This can be done with a variety of tools including but not limited to truth serum, physical torture, and psychological torture.

The skill of finding clues and solving mysteries. Can be used for anything from actual crimes to something as simple as a word puzzle or riddle.

The skill to know how to effectively lead a group of people in performing a task, be it mundane work, military operations, or other tasks. This includes giving effective orders, coordinating group activities, and handling dangerous or stressful situations. Reaction levels modify leadership rolls. For every level above "neutral" gain a +2% bonus, but for every level below "neutral" you get a -2% penalty.

Life Sciences
The study of life and all aspects of living biologies. This covers broad categories ranging from evolution to neuroscience and includes xenobiology (the study of alien lifeforms).

This is the ability to speak a given language or dialect. You are assumed to have the native language of your country of origin, with no need to roll for it. Any other language you wish to have will use this skill. You must take this skill once for every different language you take. The most common languages are: Galactic Common Tongue (GCT), Corvan, Goodspeak, Shodani, Kelsh, Imperial, Azteka, Aegyptu, and Altus. There may be other languages, as well as regional variations on the languages provided here.

This is the ability to read a given language. You are assumed to have the native language of your country of origin with no need to roll. Each additional language you wish to be able to read requires you to take this skill again. It is possible to be able to read a language and not be able to speak it. The most common languages are: Corvan, Goodspeak, Shodani, Kelsh, Imperial, Azteka, Aegyptu, and Altus. There may be other languages, as well as regional variations on the languages provided here.

You have spent a good deal of time studying the ancient myths and legends of the past. Along the way you have probably picked up something that could help you in a fight against just about anything, be it vampire or alien.

The ability to treat injuries. This includes both a general knowledge of first aid, CPR, and other emergency medical procedures. It also includes more advanced medicine such as diagnosing and treating major illnesses. When using this skill without proper equipment, it can only be used to heal stun damage and prevent further bleeding. With the proper equipment, it can be used to increase the natural healing rate by 50% on a successful roll. Failure on a medicine roll will cause more damage.

You have trained your mind and body the power of focus and inner peace. Success at a mediation skill roll will double your healing rate for one hour, tripled with a critical success. You can also meditate before a battle, or during the battle with a -30% penalty, to negate all penalties on one of your defense rolls.

Muscle Memory
Your body's natural ability to remember tasks it has done before. Muscle memory allows you to preform any action you have successfully done previously, even if you do not have the proper skill to do so anymore.

This is the skill of minor miracles. It covers both knowledge and theory of the lesser forms of divine intervention, as well as use of prayer to make lesser effects. The use of this skill for performing miracles is left up to the GM.

The skill of public speaking and debate. This skill not only give you the ability to properly speak in front of a crowd, but also the knowledge of debate and speaking procedures and rules.

The skill covers performances of all types. Anything from storytelling to dance, singing to musical instruments is covered by this.

The science that deals with concepts such as force, energy, mass, and charge.

Where the religion skill is your knowledge of your chosen faith, this skill represents the strength of your convictions.

The knowledge of the political process, both from within and without.

Practical Magic
This is training in the art of magic. Whenever you are attempting to create a magical effect you must roll this skill. All of the rules pertaining to magic can be found in the section on magic.

Practical Psi
This is training in the focusing of the mind's powers. Whenever you are attempting to use a psionic power you must roll this skill. All of the rules pertaining to psi can be found in the section on psi.

Professional Skills
This skill covers any non-scientific knowledge that pertains to a professional occupation. Things like accounting, law, and management (among others).

The name of the fields of study that were once considered scientific, but have since been relegated to fringe fields of study. Prime examples of this would be alchemy and astrology.

The term for fields of learning and research that do not follow traditional scientific method. Many Terran “new age” beliefs such as crystal healing and homeopathic medicine fall under this.

This is the study of religions past as well as the present. You may specialize in a particular branch or ancient religion if you wish to, gaining a +5% benefit for rolls concerning your specialization.

This skill covers how well you are at interacting in social situations. It does not cover specific types of situations as much as a general social aptitude.

Social Sciences
The study of society and social interactions. Fields of this include anthropology, economics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and political science.

Space Sciences
The study of the universe and how it works.

This is the ability to hide and move silently. A failed roll indicates that you were spotted. A critical success indicates an exceptionally good job; you will not need to roll again until after you drop the stealth. A fumble means you were spotted, but do not realize it.

This is knowledge of common street gangs, underworld goings on, and other bits of information the average person would not know.

This is the ability to survive in a given environment by finding edible food, good shelter, and clean water. You must take this for each type of environment you choose. The possible environments are: desert, plains, arctic, mountains, woodlands, jungle, island/beach, swampland, radioactive, and urban.

This skill is a representative of your swimming abilities. Swimming rolls are only required when there are circumstances that would increase the difficulty of swimming (like trying to save someone who is drowning, swimming against a strong current, or swimming with a serious injury). Failure indicates that you were too tired to properly swim, or that you misjudged your position and were unable to make any noticeable change in the situation. A fumbled roll means you not only failed to do the task you had set forth, but you start to drown (losing 5% from all physical stats in addition to the normal effects). You may recover from drowning with a successful roll, but each failure you roll while drowning adds another 5% loss each round. Critical successes indicate a full recovery if you were drowning, or an exceptional success at whatever task you were performing.

Theoretical Magic
This skill is the knowledge of the theory and history of magic. This includes major discoveries and other important events.

Theoretical Psi
This skill is the knowledge of the theory and history of psi. This includes major discoveries and other important events.

This is the ability to follow an animal or person by their tracks. You must make a successful roll every 1. 5 km. Failure indicates that you have temporarily lost the trail; you must spend an hour searching and make a successful roll to find the trail again. A fumble means you have lost the trail, and cannot find it again unless you make a critical success after an hour of searching.

Trade Skills
Similar to professional skills, this suite represents occupational skills of a less professional type. Professions such as mechanic, locksmith, blacksmith, and weapons manufacture (among others).

This is the skill of minor psi. It covers both knowledge and theory of the lesser forms of psychic ability, as well as use of psi to make lesser effects. The use of this skill for performing psi is left up to the GM.

The ability to pilot and maintain vehicles of all types. This includes (but is not limited to) cars, motorcycles, boats, hovercraft, planes, helicopters, spacecraft, mecha, and power armor.

Combat Skills
Strength Based Combat Skills
Blunt- this is the use of weapons such as maces, staffs, and clubs.
Exotic- The use of whips other exotic or unusual weaponry.
Hand to Hand- The knowledge of various punches and kicks.
Heavy Blade- the use of swords and axes.
Pole Weapons- The use of lances and pole-arms.
Short Blade- the use of knives and daggers.

Agility Based Combat Skills
Archery and Thrown- this is the knowledge of the use of bows, crossbows, and thrown weaponry.
Automatic- The use of semi-automatic and automatic firearms.
Heavy Weapons- The use of rail guns, gauss guns, and other large weapons.
Martial Arts- The knowledge of how to do special punches and kicks.
Rifles and Shotguns- The use of rifles and shotguns.
Small Arms and Pistols- The use of small, single handed firearms.

Defensive Combat Skills
Block- The ability to effectively deflect an incoming attack with your arms and legs.
Dodge- The ability to move out of the way of an incoming attack.
Parry-The ability to effectively block an incoming attack with your weapon.

new earth, game design

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