I pity da fool....

May 14, 2008 21:01

Who doesn't know how to act in a cafe!

A rant about coffee houses. )

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Comments 2

dracopet May 15 2008, 15:35:39 UTC
How hard is it to say 'tall mocha, skim milk, no whipped cream, with an extra pump of chocolate'? I'm an old pro at the shit. Believe me, we used to have people like that come into Baskin-Robbins. You would think ordering ice cream would be even easier, but no...apparently it's infintely more difficult and requires you to take about six hours to inspect every flavor, and then get on the phone to consult with an ice cream panel, and then order without telling me if you want it in a FUCKING CUP OR A CONE.


pretenshusprada May 15 2008, 16:12:44 UTC
HAHAHHAH. You mean jif I just walk up and say "The green stuff with the brown flecks" with an odd hand gesture, the ice cream fairie won't magically convey that I want a 2-scoop bowl of Mint Chip? Dangggggg, yo. My Bad.


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